[SEDXC] Announcment: WRTC Raffle Opportunity

John Laney k4bai at worldnet.att.net
Wed Apr 5 10:37:46 EDT 2006

Hi Gang

As you know, WRTC 2006, the "Olympics of Amateur radio"  will take  place
from July 5-10, 2006.   As part of our fundrasing activities for  the 
games, we
will again be raffling off two nice prizes at the Dayton  Hamvention 
Dinner next month.   The drawings will be  conducted by Atilano, PY5EG 
if all goes as planned.

Here are the prizes:

WRTC 2006 - Free Trip for (1) one person.

Includes R/T air transportation from VARIG gateway points to 
site of the games.  Lodging at the 5 star resort Costao do Santinho during
WRTC week, passes to all WRTC public events (opening ceremony, closing 
and dinner) and  other WRTC meals.  This is a really nice prize  worth over

The price for one (1)  WRTC trip raffle ticket is $10US.

ACOM 1010 Amplifier Raffle - This amplifier is being donated by Krassy
Petkov, K1LZ, principal of ACOM USA (_http://www.hfpower.com_
(http://www.hfpower.com) ).  It is a single  tube amp suitable for 
Dxpeditioning and/or home
station use.  It is the  same amplifier, by the way,  that the various 
WRTC 2006
teams will be using  during the competition this summer and is also a 
really nice

The price for one (1) ACOM 1010 amplifier raffle ticket is $10US.

Please note that there are two (2) separate raffles being conducted  and
chances may be puchased for one or both prizes.

How to purchase raffle tickets:

1) VIA Paypal:  _http://www.paypal.com_ (http://www.paypal.com)  - to
_K1ZM at aol.com_ (mailto:K1ZM at aol.com)  - in increments of $10 each based 
  upon the
number of raffle chances desired.  Please BE SURE to provide me  with your
CALLSIGN and which RAFFLE your money is for - eg: WRTC TRIP or ACOM 
1010 AMP.

2) Mailed check in increments of $10 to W6OAT, Rusty Epps, 651  Handley
Trail, Redwood City, CA 94062.  Please make your check out to NCDXF  and 
in the
lower left-hand corner indicate your CALLSIGN and which RAFFLE your 
money is for
- eg: WRTC TRIP or ACOM 1010 AMP.

Please note that the cutoff date for mailed and PAYPAL  raffle purchases is
MONDAY May 15th, 2006.

Raffle chances will also be sold at the Dayton Hamvention by  the WRTC 2006
fundraising team in various places starting on Thursday night  outside the
NCC/FRC Supersuite on the mezzanine floor of the Crowne Plaza  Hotel..

Good luck to all those who participate and thanks for  supporting WRTC 2006.

73 Jeff K1ZM - USA Fundraising Chair
For the WRTC 2006 Organizing Committee

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