[SEDXC] Georgia QSO Party Activity List

ku8e at bellsouth.net ku8e at bellsouth.net
Fri Apr 7 13:13:57 EDT 2006

Here is the final GQP activity list. We still need help with some easy counties around the Atlanta
and Augusta area. Also, those rovering in the south part of the state might want to adjust their 
routes to fill in the gaps. Many of you are hitting the same counties. Thanks to Mike NE4S and 
Tom, W4BQF for all the hard work they have done. Everyone have fun and all you rovers drive safe.

73, Jeff KU8E

APPL	Appling	KN4Y/m		JFDA	Jeff Davis	KN4Y/m
ATKN	Atkinson			JEFF	Jefferson	
BACN	Bacon			JENK	Jenkins	K4BG
BAKR	Baker	KN4Y/m		JOHN	Johnson	
BALD	Baldwin	NO5W/m		JONE	Jones	
BANK	Banks	NO5W/m		LAMA	Lamar	K4IR, K4BAI/m
BARR	Barrow	W3DYA/m		LANI	Lanier	KN4Y/m
BART	Bartow			LAUR	Laurens	NO5W/m, W3DYA/m
BENH	Ben Hill	KN4Y/m		LEE	Lee KN4Y/m, K4PHE, W3DYA/m, K4BAI/m
BERR	Berrien			LIBE	Liberty	
BIBB	Bibb	NO5W/m		LINC	Lincoln	
BLEC	Bleckley	W3DYA/m		LONG	Long	
BRAN	Brantley			LOWN	Lowndes	KF4GTA, KN4Y/m
BROK	Brooks	KN4Y/m		LUMP	Lumpkin	
BRYN	Bryan	W3DYA/m		MCDU	McDuffie	
BULL	Bulloch	NO5W/m, K4BG, W3DYA/m	MCIN	McIntosh	N4RJ
BURK	Burke	K4BG		MACO	Macon	
BUTT	Butts			MADI	Madison	NO5W/m
CALH	Calhoun	KN4Y/m		MARI	Marion	K4BAI/m
CMDN	Camden			MERI	Meriweather W4AN/m, NO5W/m, K4BAI/m
CAND	Candler	NO5W/m, W3DYA/M	MILL	Miller	KC4HW, KN4Y/m
CARR	Carroll	NO5W/m		MITC	Mitchell	KN4Y/m
CATO	Catoosa	NO5W/m		MNRO	Monroe	K4BAI/m
CHAR	Charlton			MONT	Montgomery	W3DYA/m
CHTM	Chatham	NO5W/m, KT4ZB	MORG	Morgan	NO5W/m
CHAT	Chattahoochee	K4BAI/m	MURR	Murray	NO5W/m
CHGA	Chattooga	NO5W/m		MUSC	Muscogee	K4BAI/m
CHER	Cherokee	N4GG, K4EA	NEWT	Newton	
CLKE	Clarke	NO5W/m		OCON	Oconee	NO5W/m
CLAY	Clay	KN4Y/m		OGLE	Oglethorpe	
CLTN	Clayton			PAUL	Paulding	
CLCH	Clinch	KN4Y/m		PEAC	Peach	K4BAI/m
COFF	Coffee	KN4Y/m		PIER	Pierce	KN4Y/m
COLQ	Colquitt	KN4Y/m		PIKE	Pike	W4AN/m, K4BAI/m
COLU	Columbia			POLK	Polk	NO5W/m
COOK	Cook			PULA	Pulaski	W3DYA/m
COWE	Coweta	W4AN/m, NO5W/m, K4BAI/m	PUTN	Putnam	NO5W/m
CRAW	Crawford	NO5W/m, K4BAI/m	QUIT	Quitman	W3DYA/m, K4BAI/m
CRIS	Crisp	W3DYA/m		RABU	Rabun	NO5W/m
DADE	Dade	NO5W/m		RAND	Randolph	KN4Y/m, W3DYA/m, K4BAI/m
DAWS	Dawson			RICH	Richmond	
DECA	Decatur	KC4HW, KN4Y/m	ROCK	Rockdale	
DKLB	DeKalb	K2UFT		SCHL	Schley	K4BAI/m
DODG	Dodge	W3DYA/m		SCRE	Screven	K4BG
DOOL	Dooly			SEMI	Seminole	KC4HW, KN4Y/m
DHTY	Dougherty	KN4Y/m		SPAL	Spalding	K4BAI/m
DOUG	Douglas			STEP	Stephens	NO5W/m
EARL	Early	KC4HW, KN4Y/m	STWT	Stewart	KN4Y/m, K4BAI/m
ECHO	Echols			SUMT	Sumter	KN4Y/m, K4BAI/m
EFFI	Effingham	AA4Z, K4BG	TLBT	Talbot	W4AN/m, K4BAI/m
ELBE	Elbert			TALI	Taliaferro	
EMAN	Emanuel	NO5W/m, W3DYA/M	TATT	Tattnall	W3DYA/m
EVAN	Evans	NO5W/m, W3DYA/M	TAYL	Taylor	NO5W/m, K4BAI/m
FANN	Fannin	NE4S, NO5W/m	TELF	Telfair	
FAYE	Fayette	K4BAI/m		TERR	Terrell	W3DYA/m, K4BAI/m
FLOY	Floyd	NO5W/m		THOM	Thomas	KN4Y/m
FORS	Forsyth	WA4VJC		TIFT	Tift	KN4Y/m
FRAN	Franklin			TOOM	Toombs	W3DYA/m
FULT	Fulton	AE4Y,WB4SQ	TOWN	Towns	NO5W/m
GILM	Gilmer	NO5W/m		TREU	Treutlen	NO5W/m, W3DYA/m
GLAS	Glascock			TROU	Troup	W4AN/m, NO5W/m
GLYN	Glynn			TURN	Turner	W3DYA/m
GORD	Gordon			TWIG	Twiggs	
GRAD	Grady	KN4Y/m		UNIO	Union	NO5W/m
GREE	Greene			UPSO	Upson	W4AN/m, NO5W/m, K4BAI/m
GWIN	Gwinnett			WLKR	Walker	NO5W/m
HABE	Habersham	NO5W/m	WALT	Walton	
HALL	Hall			WARE	Ware	KN4Y/m
HANC	Hancock			WARR	Warren	
HARA	Haralson	NO5W/m		WASH	Washington	
HARR	Harris	W4AN/m, KU8E	WAYN	Wayne	KN4Y/m
HART	Hart			WEBS	Webster	KN4Y/m
HEAR	Heard	W4AN/m, NO5W/m	WHEE	Wheeler	W3DYA/m
HNRY	Henry			WHIT	White	N4NX
HOUS	Houston	W3DYA/m		WFLD	Whitfield	NO5W/m
IRWI	Irwin	KN4Y/m		WCOX	Wilcox	W3DYA/m
JACK	Jackson	NO5W/m, K4PIC, WT4XX, KT4Q,	WILK	Wilkes	
JASP	Jasper			WKSN	Wilkinson	NO5W/m
				WORT	Worth	W4MM

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