[SEDXC] VU4 workable on 17 Meters

David Thompson thompson at mindspring.com
Thu Apr 20 00:11:16 EDT 2006

There were spots all morning for VU4/VU3CHE (Charlie K4VUD) on 18155
listening up 3.  I kept the transceiver on him and about 1640 he started
getting above ESP.  He was working by numbers and he peaked at 5/5 working
3's (anywhere).  After he worked several threes he started taking any caller
so I listened a minute and called.  Charlie went into the log at 1651Z.

N4BAA in VA posted that the two VU4's on 17 CW were loud (I read that as
readable) at that time.  I also heard the station on 14260 at 1715Z
listening up 5 to 10.  Big pile up but 3/3 here at best.

Remember my beams are just above the roof top so others should hear the
VU4's better.

73 Dave K4JRB

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