BLamboley at aol.com BLamboley at aol.com
Fri Dec 22 08:03:36 EST 2006

Dear Club Members:
Today I received the below regarding our expedition to St.  Brandon next 
year.  Whilst 3B7 is not high on the "Most Wanted" list, I  believe that this 
expedition, as well as others like the recent one to Libya,  deserve our support 
as a club.  Our current bylaws allow donations to  expeditions based solely on 
their "Most Wanted" status and ignore other  significant overall contributions 
that DXpeditions make to the well-being and  art of DXing.  I urge the Club 
to examine the by-laws and consider adding  provisos that take into account 
additional factors that an expedition will  provide to "The Worthy" and Worthy 
Best Holiday Wishes to All,
Wes - W3WL
Hi Team
Don G3BJ and I are delighted to advise you that we have been  awarded the 
Colvin Award. This is quite prestigious, only one award is given  each year.
Please see the comments from Wayne Mills N7NG below. We will be  making a 
special effort to support Wayne's ideas re the newcomers to CW  towards the 
end of our operation.
Neville  G3NUG

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mills, Wayne N7NG"  <N7NG at arrl.org>
To: "g3nug" <g3nug at btinternet.com>
purpose the  value of the US Dollar were a bit greater!)

Although we recognize that  St. Brandon is not terribly high on the "Most
Wanted List," and that there  will be another operation prior to yours,
we believe the Five Star operation  will outshine all others. We are
confident that the Five Star group will fill  a need by making this
country available to many who might not be able to get  into the log of a
less focused operation. Certainly, your past performances,  particularly
D68C, presage this result.

And here's another thought.  With the removal of the code requirement for
all licensing in the US, coupled  with earlier changes around the World,
3B7C could be the first DXpedition to  focus on those operators who are
not as capable with Morse. Who can reject  the new HF amateur who is
trying to build on his desire to improve his CW  capability? This is not
a new phenomenon, but recent changes in licensing  requirements certainly
present an opportunity for major DXpeditions to spend  (and promote
spending) significant time, perhaps near the end of the  operation,
catering to those whose CW capabilities are less than we might  like.
Such a campaign would be another ground-breaking effort by the  FSDXA.
Perhaps this could be part of the pre-expedition promotion. As  "painful"
as it might be for World Class operators, it could reap large  benefits
in DXing. We hope you will give this idea some  thought.

73,  Wayne Mills, N7NG, Chairman
The Colvin Award Committee

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