[SEDXC] need to borrow a good T2X control box.

David Thompson thompson at mindspring.com
Thu Feb 9 23:13:31 EST 2006

I am in the midst of trying to see if the box or the rotor has a bad
direction pot.

I finally got the rotor swap done with Brad at W9FX Rotor works.  After
removing the old rotor and tightening down the screws that hold the mast in
those 25 to 45 MPH winds came and turned the beams 20 degrees plus put the
mast out of plumb.  I worked several hours to get the rotor and mast plum
and flat on the rotor plate but when I tested the rotor it moved around fime
but the indicator was out.  W9FX thinks I either have unhooked the wires to
the pot in the actual rotor or burned out the pot.

I need to borrow a working Hy-gain T2X/Ham M/IV control box for a day or so.
Anyone have one laying around?

Thanks, Dave K4JRB

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