[SEDXC] Fw: Congrats on 3Y0X on 40M.

Keith LaBorde - K4KAL k4kal at arrl.net
Thu Feb 16 07:27:25 EST 2006


Last night monitored 40M, and they finally came up from CW working EU to 
They were peaking S9, and then the operator decided to go by numbers.
Oh Crap !

I sat and watch conditions go down while he worked 0's to 3s, and then 3Y0X 
Tuff Break...

So switched back to 75M and they were only working EU only.
There was some guy that kept talking on the 3Y0X's frequency... EU Only... 
EU Only...
I waited as long as I could and went to bed.
No luck....

So I decided to set my clock and wake up a 5 am.
Got on the air, and saw they were on 40M on 7.062.0 and listening on 7.167.0
There was intentional QRM on 7.062, but was able to hear right through it 
with the PROIII filters.
But, the 3Y0X op, kept getting my suffix of my call wrong.
There was not a lot of people on calling, he just could not hear me.
He said he was getting QRM from the other Op working CW on the same band.

Finally after about 10 tries, this 3Y Operator had a large amount of 
patience that it must have been a vendetta to get the rest of my call.
He got it !  So 6 bands now. (10, 12, 15, 17, 20, 40)
Bernie from QRZDX happen to be listening and sent me this note.
The past 24 hours have been exciting...
80 and 160 to go ?????

Keith, K4KAL

> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Bernie McClenny" <bernie at dailydx.com>
> To: <k4kal at arrl.net>
> Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2006 6:24 AM
> Subject: Congrats
> He finally got it Keith!  Congrats.
> Bernie
> Bernie McClenny, W3UR
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