[SEDXC] 6 meters WOW !!!!!!!!!!

Macie, Gordon GMacie at innotrac.com
Tue Jun 6 10:30:46 EDT 2006

I didn't hear much with my poor antenna yesterday but the spots on 6
meters were like I've never seen before. I did see a JA spot KY5R in
Alabama. Check out the last paragraph of the email below from the
propnet reflector. Art is in Texas.


VHF Contest is this weekend . Lets hope conditions hold up. Could be one
for the record books.


Gordon N4LR



Posted by: "Art Jackson" ka5dwi at sbcglobal.net
<mailto:ka5dwi at sbcglobal.net?Subject=%20Re:%20Configuration%20question%2
0and%20keyboard%20traffic%20on>   ka5dwi

Mon Jun 5, 2006 12:20 pm (PST) 

Hi Dave,
One more thing you might want to do is to listen on 28.131 MHz if you 
have HF and see how well you can capture. Be sure you change the 
identify to "HY" for 10 Meters.

Since 10 M is very active compared to 6 M, you can really tell if the 
computer is performing adequately enough. I admit, I have some 
concerns that Windows 2000 isn't hogging CPU resources. To be 
honest, Windows 98 Second Edition might be a better alternative for 
that CPU.

Get some activity and you will find out for sure.

As for Japan, I meant 6 Meters!!!
Yesterday I heard Europe, Africa, and Asia on 6 Meters.
Sadly I didn't work any, but have before.
That was the only time in almost 20 years on 6 Meters that that 
occurred here at my QTH.



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