[SEDXC] Fwd: Comcast Subscriber Problems
Tad Williamson
ironbutttad at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 12 08:59:22 EDT 2006
Ed, the Kennehoochee club has the same problems with
Comcast accounts. We use a separate mailing for
newsletters and such for the Comcast account.
Good luck with the complaining. I deal with this kind
of thing on a daily basis.
The Blacklist (RBLs) providers only provide the list
on the web. They claim they are immune because the
anti-spam software that whatever ISP uses doesn't have
to reference their list. It's that whole "free
speech" kind of thing. In a corporate environment,
like ours, it's a real pain. We have 4 internet IP
addresses and two of them are listed on an RBL. We've
requested de-listing for over a month now but have
pretty much been ignored. The reason they claim they
listed us is not something that could happen here.
All we can do is request our clients "Whitelist" our
domain and IP addresses on an individual basis.
We use an entirely different type of anti-spam system
here that doesn't rely on internet RBLs (they are bad)
and we catch well over 90% of all inbound spam. It's
not cheap, but it works.
Good luck, 73, Tad, WF4W
--- Ed <k4sb at comcast.net> wrote:
> Well, the list owner for RTTY is Jim Reisert (
> spelling? ) and he says
> he doesn't have "time" to "weed" the list of
> subscribers just for
> Comcast customers.
> Which sounds pretty lame to me as the list owner
> must have some type
> of list which could be searched for Comcast
> customers. Comcast, either
> by design or inability, has not give me the correct
> email address of
> the guy in charge of the "blacklist".
> Don had to fix me with the SECC list, and someone
> did it for the
> Writelog is working OK as is Contest, but the
> threads on Contest are
> so weird I may just unsubscribe.
> Unsubscribing RTTY and then unsubscribing doesn't
> work. Oh yes, you
> get
> the email saying you are unsubscribed and then
> subscribed but Comcast
> is the block.
> Which is why I may just change DSL service before
> the week is over.
> Hopefully, BellSouth will be more reasonable.
> There is one workaround to this problem. Establish a
> .com with
> GoDaddy.com...about $8 a year, ie k4sb.com ( or
> .reg, ect ) and
> then link your email through that address. You still
> need Comcast to
> connect, but they have no say over the email. Same
> thing goes for any
> provider.
> Getting too damn old for this aggravation. Trying to
> figure out what
> State agency to complain to. PSC?
> 73
> Ed
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