[SEDXC] Mark V Sold - Found a few more items

Don Nesbitt drnesbitt at hotmail.com
Thu Sep 21 08:39:33 EDT 2006

Thanks for all the responses!  The Mark V is sold as are the Artificial 
Ground and the Noise-Canceling System.

I have the Kent Engineering dual paddle/straight key for sale and can 
provide a photo if needed.  It's quality built and heavy!  It is brand new 
and as I recall I had to wait about 2 months to get it when I ordered it 
from the UK.  I've got about $160 in it and will offer it to dues paying 
club members at $100.

Also have a Better RF company "I-Mate" that I used with my Pro II's and Pro 
III.  It can be seen at their web page at http://www.betterrf.com - offered 
to dues paying club members at $45.

I can bring either of these to the club meeting next week.  Stay tuned - 
still looking! 73 es gud dxing -- Don N4HH

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