[SEDXC] Greetings from JT

John Tobias Croteau jt.n1ese at gmail.com
Fri Jul 6 15:16:56 EDT 2007

I've received several emails from members over the past couple days
asking about how I am doing and stuff so I'd thought I'd reply to
everyone at the same time.

I'm doing a lot better health wise than I was at this time last year.
Earlier this year the doctors finally figured out what has been going
on with me and determined I have a nerve disease in my face and head
that causes chronic headaches and severe mood swings with depression.
  While I'm not using this as an excuse, I know I offended and
alienated myself from a few members of this club last year and I
sincerely apologize.  At the very least, I know I annoyed a lot of you
with my sporadic behavior at times and I'm sorry.  Again, not an
excuse because I don't make excuses when I am clearly in the wrong but
my medical condition may have played a role in some of this and would
explain quite a bit.

I've been off the air for awhile but should be back on the air next
month when I have plans to purchase a TS-480HX.  I will be on the air
fixed mobile during SSB and RTTY contests until I can move to a QTH
where I can have permanent antennas again.  I also plan on renewing my
dues with the club at this time.  I may be living further up the coast
these days but SEDXC was my first DX club and I will always support
you guys whenever, and as much as, I can.  You guys are the best.

JT Croteau, N1ESE (ex W6FO) - Manchester, NH

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