[SEDXC] Huntsville hamfest (34 days to go)

Gary McConville wb4sq at yahoo.com
Fri Jul 13 22:14:15 EDT 2007

Anyone planning to go to Huntsville for the Aug 18-19th hamfest?  I'll
be leaving out around 5AM that Saturday, returning on Sunday right
after the fest ~ 2:30PM CST.  I have room for three riders.  We could
sure use your help manning our table and introducing newcomers to the
wonderful world of DXing.  Then there's the DX Banquet with our
infamous president speaking...

So far we have;
K4UEE - Bob
W4GKF - Chaz
W3WL - Wes
N4HH - Don
W2WG - Bob
KD4RBG - Jeff
WB4SQ - Gary
??? - Clark

The fish are biting. 
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