[SEDXC] My new 18-HT HyTower arrived today!!!

Ed Tanton n4xy at earthlink.net
Fri Oct 5 20:22:19 EDT 2007

Subject line almost says it all! The hole ( ~ 3' x 3' x 3') is dug and the
wooden-surround-bracing to level the base in the concrete is ready. Now I
have to unpack it, and go see about renting a concrete mixer! Also got the
17M optional stub to try and come to understand how I can add a 30M stub-or
if not, at least I'll have 17M too. (Yes I've seen all the HyTower articles
about adding 30M-but none seemed to simply add a stub like this does for
17M.) I got the 160M base coil (300W max) too, and did NOT get the (much
better-and KW-capable) 160M wire/coil. The way the limbs come down around
here there's no way I'd attach a wire to THIS antenna that wasn't a radial
on the ground. That's how I lost my GAP DX-Voyager! 


THE best article on HyTower erection I have found is at:
http://webpages.charter.net/crstrode/18ht/18-ht.htm .


And speaking of radials, I also have the DX-Engineering SS Ground Plate and
the total 60 SS screw/hardware kit. I guess adding radials will be my life
after this thing is up!!! I've wanted a HyTower for many, many years!!!


73  Ed Tanton N4XY <n4xy at earthlink.net> 
Ed Tanton N4XY 
189 Pioneer Trail 
Marietta, GA 30068-3466 
website:  <http://www.n4xy.com/> http://www.n4xy.com 
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OK-QRP   K2 (Field Tester) #00057
QRP-L #165

"Right is right, even if everyone is 
against it; and wrong is wrong, even 
if everyone is for it."

William Penn


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