[SEDXC] Contest: Does this count?

Keith LaBorde (K4KAL) klaborde at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 16 12:34:45 EDT 2007

SEDXC Members and officers...
I know this is supposed to be fun, but I think the "Scope Creep" on the rules maybe getting out of hand with this contest.

The website clearly says...

The SEDXC Wire Antenna DX Contest is underway!
Part of the mission of the SEDXC is to interest new HF operators in DX.  Some of our prospects in that mission have limited antenna space or deed restrictions that prohibit towers.  In order to back up the claim that "you don't need a beam to work DX", we're sponsoring a DX contest with the stipulation that only wire antennas may be used.

----- Original Message ----
From: "MAllphin at aol.com" <MAllphin at aol.com>
To: jt.n1ese at gmail.com; sedxc at contesting.com
Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2007 11:11:36 AM
Subject: Re: [SEDXC] Contest: Does this count?

In a message dated 10/16/2007 10:58:13 Eastern Daylight Time,  
jt.n1ese at gmail.com writes:

Does a  dipole constructed out of two hamsticks count or does it have
to be a  traditional home-built dipole, doublet, loop, etc.?  A
hamstick dipole  is a big compromise to a traditional dipole.

Because I just put up a  20M hamstick dipole broadside to EU in the
crawl space behind my 3rd floor  shack and worked RW3DQC with 5W.  I
would have put up a 1/2-wave  dipole but was short of available space
by ~10 feet.

Even if it  doesn't count, no big deal.

JT Croteau, N1ESE - Manchester, NH  (FN42gx)

  One of the objectives of this contest, other than to have some fun,   is to 
prove a point.  That someone with just 100 w. and a simple antenna   (not a 
beam on a tower) can work DX and earn DXCC.  The antenna you  described IS a 
simple antenna and in fact, is the kind of antenna that many  people new to DXing 
might use!
  So, it is certainly an antenna that would meet the contest  criteria!
73, Bob

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