[SEDXC] check out the SEDXC's new DXPro website!

Don Nesbitt n4hh at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 14 14:22:41 EDT 2007

Hi Kids - back at the beginning of July I proposed a
few software sites that didn't make it to our very
comprehensive current list.

The proposed sites were few in number so as to not
seem "intimidating" to the "not so computer savvy"
newcomer but enough to get the person going using
software to enhance their DXing.

All this software is free and while they all have
powerful features, they are simple to use.

Here are a few of them with a very brief comment:

W6EL Prop (charts the best times for possible
propagation to dxcc entities based on SFI, A or K
indices)  http://www.qsl.net/w6elprop/

Quick Check for SFI, A and K indices   

VOAProp (simple world map with predicted signal
strengths)  http://www.g4ilo.com/voaprop.html

VE7CC Cluster Software (excellent spotting and can be
used as "frontend" for other programs) 

N1MM (spotting and contesting) http://www.n1mm.com/

XMLog (spotting and logging with award tracking) 

I'm "eblasting" them to the membership as I continue
to get individual requests for this simple list.

Perhaps a part of DX 101 could be devoted to "minimal"
software interfacing or something like that.

Can these be added to our "links" list either in the
current appropriate category or perhaps in a new
category - something like "Software to quickly get you
going" (would that it were that simple - hi) or
something like that?

See you Wednesday.  73 -- Don

--- MAllphin at aol.com wrote:

> _www.dxpros.com_ (http://www.dxpros.com)   and take
> a long look at  the "links" page.  If 
> you have a favorite link (s) that you would like 
> added please email Chaz, 
> W4GKF, at _chaz at chazcone.com_
> (mailto:chaz at chazcone.com) .

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