[SEDXC] Plasma TV's - RFI

Chris Wynn n4xfa at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 27 20:22:31 EDT 2007

My "wife" and I have a 50" LG HD Plasma, and I haven't been yelled at once.  However, I've only ran about 800 watts on 80, and never on 160. I thought I was pushing the limits when I ran 30' HDMI, Conponent, and optical cables (obviously,  the optical is not an issue) and we haven't seen any problems---yet!
  Good luck,
  Chris Wynn

MAllphin at aol.com wrote:
  I have a Panasonic 42 inch Plasma and I have to turn it off when I operate 
160m and 80m....don't know if they have fixed the problem in the newer 
sets...mine is 1 1/2 yrs old!

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