[SEDXC] Claimed Scores, Last Weekend's Contests

John Laney k4bai at worldnet.att.net
Fri Feb 1 19:08:21 EST 2008

Hello all:  Sorry this summary is so late this week.  I have been 
travelling all week and just got a chance to tru to get this out late 
Friday afternoon.

1.  CQ 160 Meter CW Contest
Call    QSOs  S/P  DX  Score      Category  Time    State   Notes
W8JI    1889  58   78  1,125,400  MO HP      ?      GA      Ops:  K1ZZI, 
N4PN    1169  57   64    480,975  SO HP     26      GA
K4TD    1166  57   64    453,629  MO HP     27      AL      Ops:  K4TD, KY4F
N4OX    1064  58   53    357,198  SO HP     22.5    FL
AA4V     991  57   55    391,664  MO HP     15.5    SC      + PKT
K9AY    1116  56   45    326,028  SO HP     23      WI
K4SAV    882  54   55    323,403  SO HP     28      AL
W4SVO    768  55   59    297,996  SO HP     29      FL
N4NX     638  56   49    209,580  SO HP     15      GA
K9MUG    533  52   48    193,000  SO HP     14      AL
W2WG     515  52   47    182,754  SO HP      7:02   GA
N4KG     408  55   54    181,812  MO HP     15.5    AL      + PKT
KU8E     684  53   40    179,211  SO HP     12.75   GA
KR4F     586  55   42    177,025  SO HP     12      AL
K4ZGB    707  54   34    170,280  SO HP     15:15   AL
N4RJ     400+ 50   50    161,000  SO HP      ?      GA
KY5R     383  52   53    158,655  MO HP     10      AL      + PKT
K4AB     633  53   32    144,245  SO HP     12:04   AL
WA1FCN   686  52   29    142,722  SO LP     27      AL
K4UEE    571  47   33    131,920  SO HP     10      GA
W5JR     409  52   38    116,730  MO HP     15.7    GA      + PKT
K4BAI    457  52   33    110,755  SO HP      7.11   GA
KA9EKJ   509     73       91,761  SO LP    ~16      AL
N4JF     300  50   33     74,277  SO LP      6      AL
KG4CUY   201  47   17     68,800  MO HP      8      AL      + PKT
W5LE       ? ~45  ~24     66,065  MO ?P     ~8      GA      Ops:  W5LE, 
W4NTI    400  49   14     61,614  SO HP     12      AL
K4DLI    204  39   32     57,723  MO HP      ?      GA      + PKT
AA4LR    433  49    6     53,515  SO LP      9.5    GA
K4OD     307  47   11     42,398  SO LP     22      GA
WF4W     226  43    9     29,328  SO HP      8.63   GA
K4WZ      60   2   41     22,427  MO ?P      ?      GA
KC4HW    122 ~30  ~20     20,536  SO LP     12      AL
K4JAF    108  39   17     19,432  SO LP      ?      FL
W4XO     161  36    3     14,391  SO LP      7.5    GA
K4BK     114  32    1      7,488  SO LP     11.5    FL
W4QO     114  30    1      7,254  SOQRP      5.75   GA
NJ8J     105  32    0      6,912  SO LP      5.8    GA
N4TOL     83  25    2      4,525  SO LP      ?      GA
W4BW      67  28    1      4,321  SO LP      1:30   GA
W4OJC     52  32    1      3,488  SO HP      2:12   GA
N4HH      51   ?    ?      3,108  SO LP      2:12   GA
N4NM      52  25    0      2,900  SO LP      3      AL
K4YJ      40     23        1,909  SO LP      ?      GA
KG4USN     5   3    0          ?  SO LP      0.5    GA

2.  BARTG RTTY Sprint
WX4TM   472  53  92,512  SOExpertHP  7.5  AL
W4UK    296 124  36,704  SOExpertHP 13.6  SC
N3ZL/4  202  28  28,280  SO LP       ?    SC
KE4UNA  130  41  26,650  SO LP       7    AL
K4HAL    82  11   5,412  SO LP       2    AL

3. REF (French) CW Contest
K2SX   99  79  22,673  SOABHP  ?     SC
K4BAI  19  16     912  SOABHP  0.56  GA

4.  Locust QSO Party
K4BAI  59  74,000  SO LP  0:51  GA
KC4HW  20  20,000  SO LP  0:52  AL

5.  1/25/08 NCCC Practice
K4BAI  48  23  1,104  0.5  GA
Also QRV:  N3ZL, N4PN

6.1/30/08 Barbershop QRP Contest
K4BAI  29  22  10,966  QRP 5W  2.0  GA
Also QRV:  K5ESE by AA4NN

7.  NCCC NA Sprint Practice 2/1/08
K4BAI  36  19  684  SO HP  0.5  GA
Also QRV:  N3ZL, N5VI.

Contests coming up:

1.  NCCC CW Sprint Practice, Friday night Local, Sat UTC, 0330-0359Z. 
NA Sprint rules.

2.  FOC Marathon.  21Z Fri to 21Z Sun.  Contest only for FOC Club 
Members.  Activity around 025 on HF bands.

3.  Vermont QSO Party.  00Z Sat to 24Z Sun.  160-UHF CW, Ph, Digital.
RS(T) + SPC or VT county

4.  YL-ISSB QSO Party, CW/RTTY.  24 hours of Sat and Sun.  All bands, 
CW/RTTY.  Exchange:  RST + name + SPC + YLISSB #.

5.  10-10 Int. Winter Contest, SSB.  24 hours of Sat and Sun.  10M 
Phone.  Name = SPC + 10-10 # if you have one.

6.  NCJ NA Sprint CW.  00-04Z Sun UTC (Sat night local).  80, 40, 20M. 
Exchange:  Both calls, #, name, SPC. QSY one khz to call another station 
and 5 khz to CQ again after working a station who calls you.

7.  YL-OM Contest, CW.  14Z Sat to 02Z Mon.  All bands CW, 750 W Max 
power.  Exchange:  QSO # and RST.  YL work only OM.  OM work only YL.

8.  FYBO Winter QRP Sprint.  14Z - 24Z Sat.  160-10M, 5 W max, CW/SSB. 
Exchange:  RS(T), SPC, Name, Power out, temperature at operating 
position (F).

9.  Minnesota QSO Party.   14Z to 24Z Sat.  CW/Ph/RTTY.  160-VHF+.  Name 
+ SPC or MN County.

10.  Delaware QSO Party.  17Z Sat to 05Z Sun; 13Z Sun to 01Z Mon.  CW, 
Ph, Digital/RTTY.  160-10M.

11.  Mexico Intenational RTTY Contest.  18Z Sat to 1759Z Sun.  80-10M 
RTTY.  Exchange:  RST + Serial # or XE State.

12.  QRPARCI Fireside Sprint, SSB.  20-2359Z Sun.  80-10M SSB.  RS + SPC 
+ ARCI# or power.

13.  February ARS Spartan Sprint. Monday night local, 02-04Z Tuesday 
UTC.  80-10M CW.  Max power 5W.  RST + SPC + Power.

Please consult WA7BNM or SM3CER contest pages for more information. 
Hope everyone has a good weekend and a lot of QSOs.  Look for me 
especially in the CW Sprint and the Spartan Sprint.  I will also be in 
the FOC Marathon as time allows and maybe some in the MN QSO Party, 
since I still need some counties in that state.  73, John, K4BAI.

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