Keith LaBorde (K4KAL) klaborde at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 7 08:47:56 EST 2008

The station I worked was FJ5KH, which is a club station.
  Based on my research it looks like the club participates in more VHF then HF activities, and primarily 6 Meters.
  They had a good signal on 17M at the time, but never heard them on any other bands.
  I think they put the station on the air while Marti was on 20M.
  When Marti left, they stopped as well.
  I sent an email to the ARRL giving them my 2 cents on this matter.
  I don't know about all the politics about visiting these places and getting approval for the operations.  But, I do know Marti has been to a lot of entities, and his operations have helped me aquire DXCC on many bands.  
  If there is some kinda of screw-up, I am sure it was an oversite on his part?    
  If this current operation does not go on the air soon, I am going to be suspicious...
  Keith, K4KAL

k4pi <k4pi at bellsouth.net> wrote:
  I agree with Keith on the locals. I don't think there are any locals that 
are DXers.. I tried to find every FJ call I could and I am not sure that 
the calls I found actually live on St. Barts. I could only find about 5. 
One of those is a club station. The two people screaming the loudest have 
FJ calls but live somewhere else it would appear. I would like to see a 
list on these acutal locals that were complaing.. I think it is a big smoke 

Also if immigration laws had been broken as were reported I think Martti 
would have been deported or jailed.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Keith LaBorde (K4KAL)" 
To: "Hugh Valentine" ; "*SEDXC Reflector)" 

Sent: Monday, January 07, 2008 1:06 PM
Subject: Re: [SEDXC] FJ

> Hello Hugh,
> I assume you are talking about this one.
> ST. BARTHELEMY, FJ. Yuichi, JR2KDN and Paul, F6EXV will be QRV as
> FJ/JR2KDN using RTTY and FJ/F6EXV using CW and SSB, respectively,
> from January 6 to 20. Activity will be on 160 to 10 meters. QSL to
> home calls.
> What I don't understand, if the "Locals" had a problem with Marti's 
> operation,
> why are they not on the air themselves?
> When Marti was on the air, I worked one of the locals on 17M when Marti 
> was on 20M.
> Have not heard a peep out of those guys since Marti left.
> There must be something going on that no one is talking about.
> I was curious if these guys from Japan were going to be successful or 
> not.
> I have them setup as an alert on my computer, but nothing yet.
> Keith, K4KAL
> Hugh Valentine wrote:
> What is teh latest scoop on the FJ Expediton. dont see them spotted 
> anywhere. Am I missing something?
> Val
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