David Thompson
thompson at mindspring.com
Mon Jul 28 15:43:00 EDT 2008
Back when consitions were 24 hours per day (Summer of 1959)
and my CW was still decent I listened to BY1PK pound in both long and short
path on 20. I listened to them wotk Russia and eastern Europe and drooled.
I had just worked BV1USC so knew my 400 watt transmitter could make the
trip. Buck W4TO told me to sign my call as HA5 plus my prefix MDX then and
sure enough BY1PK came back after a few calls. He sent ?? as he knew I was
not a HA5. I don't think any of us got a card but it was fun working then
at lesat. A non DXer did get a BY1PK card in responce to his SWL request.
Finally got my BY1PK card in 1982 when the VE7 operated there to open up
amateur radio.
I agree with Dave K4SSU about changing times. BY4RB sent me his card with a
QSL pse and last year BA4RF sent in his CQ 160 log which I had to correct.
I told him I had worked David (4RF) on several bands and low and behold an
evvelope came in a couple of weeks with a QSL for EACH QSO.
And the question of the day is what has happened to Russian QSLs via the
buro. I think I have received 4 or 5 cards in the past 5 years. Its direct
or via a manager with $$$.
73 Dave K4JRB and K5MDX 1958 to 1973
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