[SEDXC] Kennehoochee hamfest - Mar 15th (Need your help manning our booth)

Gary McConville wb4sq at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 6 22:01:09 EST 2008

Here's the current volunteer list:

Kennehoochee Hamfest 02008		
Sat - Mar 15th	#1	#2
7:30AM  -  8:30AM Setup	WB4SQ (Gary)	AE4CW (Chuck)
8:30AM  -  9:30AM		
9:30AM  - 10:30AM		
10:30AM - 11:30AM		
11:30AM - 12:30PM		
12:30PM -  1:30PM	W2WG (Bob)	
1:30PM  -  2:30PM       WB4SQ (Gary)	K4JRB (Dave)

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