[SEDXC] Best Operating Procedure for GQP

Jeff Carter sedxc at hidden-valley.com
Mon Apr 6 17:16:54 PDT 2009


That's what I thought, too, but then I noticed that I hear a lot of
in-state stations on 80m during the day.  I know there won't be any
ionospheric propagation at 80m during the day, but considering the
sunspot situation, there's very little of that as it is anyway.

I'll probably take your suggestion and work 20m at least a little
while during the daylight hours in order to give DX stations a chance
to get my county, and then switch to 80m after the grayline
propagation dies on 20m.  I don't think 40m is a good choice for me
because of the SW broadcast stations that share that band.  My little
station would get lost in the clutter in a hurry.

Thanks for the input,

---- Original message ----
>Date: Mon, 06 Apr 2009 19:44:41 -0400
>From: "John T. Laney III" <k4bai at worldnet.att.net>
>Subject: Re: [SEDXC] Best Operating Procedure for GQP
>To: Jeff Carter <sedxc at hidden-valley.com>
>Jeff:  It depends on the time of day. You won't do much on 80M during
>the day.  40M will be the big band, probably open all of the contest.
>20M will probably be open until dark and maybe a little after.  I'd be
>near the suggested frequencies on the highest band open calling CQ Ga
>QSO Party on phone on CQ GQP on CW and move down as the rate drops.
>Have a lot of fun.  73, John, K4BAI.

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