[SEDXC] Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests; This Week's Contests

John Laney k4bai at worldnet.att.net
Tue Apr 7 14:04:35 PDT 2009

Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests:

1.  SP (Poland) DX Contest.
Call   CW Q  Ph Q  Mul  Score   Category    Time   State  Club  Notes
K4ZGB  169     8    44  23,364  SOABMixHP   6      AL     ACG
N4GG   101     0    45  13,635  SOABCWHP    2:56   GA     SECC  SO2R
W4BQF   35     0    16   1,680  SOSB/40CWHP 1.0    GA     SECC
K4BAI   22     0    18   1,188  SOTBMixHP   1:19   GA     SECC
W4NBS    9     0     8     216  SOSB/40CWHP __     AL     ACG

2.  Missouri QSO Party
N4PN    42    55    35   5,243  SOABHP      8      GA     SECC
K4BAI   22    14    20   3,160  SOABHP      3:07   GA     SECC
W4NBS    6     3     9     135  SOABLP      _      AL     ACG

3.  Montana QSO Party
K4BAI    1     2     2       6  SOFixHP     0:10   GA     SECC

4.  EA (Spain) RTTY Contest
K9MUG/4      245    76  86,640  SOSB/40HP   8      AL     ACG
K4HAL        188   109  47,633  SOABHP      6      AL     ACG
KE4KWE        96    51   7,242  SOABLP      3      AL     ACG

5.  NCCC Ladder Week #1 (4/3/09)
N4OGW         58    28   1,624  SOLP        0.5    MS     ACG   SO24
W4OC          49    26   1,274  SOLP        0.5    SC     SECC  SO2R
K4BAI         37    26     962  SOLP        0.5    GA     SECC
K1ZZI         31    14     434  SOLP        0.5    GA     SECC

6.  LZ Open 40M Sprint
W4BQF        120           120  SOHP        3.3    GA     SECC
K4BAI         34            34  SOLP        1:43   GA     SECC

7.  QRP ARCI Spring QSO Party
K4BAI        155            71  SOABQRP5W   9:20   GA     SECC

8.  QCWA Spring QSO Party
K4BAI  132     3            51  SOMixHP     4:57   GA     SECC

9.  April 2009 ARS Spartan Sprint QRP
K4BAI   53                  53  5w Tubby    2.0    GA     SECC

This Week's Contests:  (Note especilally the GA QSO Party)

1.  NCCC Thursday Night Practice and Ladder Events.  Slow speed SNS at 
0200-0215Z Friday.  40 and 80 M CW.  100 W maximum.  1 kHz QSY rule. 
Exchange:  both calls, #, name, SPC.  Maximum speed 22 WPM.  NS Ladder 
Week #2.  0230-0259Z.  20, 40, and 80 M CW.  100 W maximum.  l kHz QSY 
rule.  Exchange:  both calls, #, name, SPC.  Need more SE area stations 
in the Ladder events.

2.  Japan International DX Contest (JIDXC) CW.  0700Z Sat to 1300Z 
Sunday.  160-10M CW.  Exchange:  RST + CQ Zone or JA prefecture #.

3.  Radio Maritime Day.  12Z Sat to 12Z Sun.  160-10M CW.  100 W power 
limit except for Coastal stations.  Exchange for former radio officers: 
QSA + Call of last ship or aircraft.  Exchange for other hams:  QSA + 
serial #.

4.  European Spring Sprint CW.  80-20M CW.  1600-1959Z Sat.  Exchange: 
both calls, serial #, Name.  QSY 2 kHZ after a QSO you solicited.  High 
power OK.

5.  GEORGIA QSO PARTY.  160-6M CW/Digital, Phone.  Exchange:  RS(T) + GA 
county or State/Province or "DX."

6.  Yuri Gagarian International DX Contest:  21Z Sat to 21Z Sun. 
160-10M + Sat CW.  Exchange:  RST + ITU zone.

7.  SKCC Weekend Hand key/bug Sprint (SKS).  24 hours of Sunday UTC. 
160-6M CW.  Exchange:  RST + Name + SPC + SKCC# or "none."  Use hand key 
or bug.  Bonus points for QSOs with G4LMW.

Stations calling CQ from GA may work stations in other contests.  If you 
will print out and keep a copy of these rule summaries, maybe you can 
give the other stations what they need for their contests and get simply 
the RS(T) and SPC or DX from the others and both stations will benefit.

Hope everyone has a nice week and weekend and a lot of fun in the 
contests, particularly GQP.  Note that in future years, if the GQP falls 
on an Easter weekend, it will drop to a one day event.

73,  John, K4BAI.

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