[SEDXC] QSLs for ARRL Outgoing QSL Service - Bring to Xmas party

Bill Barr, N4NX n4nx at comcast.net
Fri Dec 4 11:02:22 PST 2009


I will accept your QSLs for the ARRL Outgoing QSL Service at the Christmas Party on December 13th!  BUT PLEASE READ THE REST OF THIS MESSAGE!

* The rate is 7 CENTS PER QSL!!  Pay in CASH only!  NO checks

*  Bring a copy of a label from a recent QSL ( The membership information written on a piece of paper is just as good ). 
   Only ARRL members can use the service.


* Put your QSLs in correct order ( See explanation below )

If you would like to use the club service to send QSLs for DX Calls that you hold, then the rate is 8 cents per QSL.  Remember you can send QSLs to stateside stations for those QSLs. You CAN    NOT send QSLs to stateside stations from stateside calls unless the station is a QSL manager for the DX call you are QSLing.  

I would like to see more of you take advantage of this SEDXC service.  With all of the recent contest now is a good time to get a batch of 
QSLs ready for distribution    This service is for SEDXC members ONLY.  

SEDXC members ordered more than 75,000 special SEDXC QSLs from our printer.  I have seen very few go out through our bureau service!!!

In spite of my MANY reminders the three most common errors I see in the cards I receive are:

* Not bringing a copy of a label from a recent QSL or membership data
* Cards in incorrect order. 
* Cards for countries not covered by the ARRL Bureau. ( i.e. KH8, TT, VP2M + about 50 more )

You should review the requirements for card sorting and countries not covered by the ARRL Bureau at http://www.arrl.org/qsl/qslout.html.

Although not an error I see many QSLs directed to DX stations who have QSL mangers.  These cards are most likely dumped by the receiver 
since they expect you to QSL via their manager.  YOU ARE WASTING YOUR MONEY FOR BOTH CARDS AND SERVICE AS WELL AS MY TIME.
 I was correcting these QSLs and directing them to the correct manager.  Not any more because the volume is to great!!!!  

If you have any questions or comments please let me know.

Look forward to seeing you at the PARTY or whenever you have a new batch.

Bill N4NX
Countries Not Served By The Outgoing QSL Service

Approximately 225 DXCC countries are served by the ARRL Outgoing QSL Service, as detailed in the ARRL DXCC List.  This includes nearly every active country.  As noted previously, cards are forwarded from the ARRL Outgoing Service to a counterpart Bureau in each of these countries.  In some cases, there is no Incoming Bureau in a particular country and cards therefore cannot be forwarded.  However, QSL cards can be forwarded to a QSL manager, e.g., ZB2FX via (G3RFX).  The ARRL Outgoing Service cannot forward cards to the following countries: 

      A3        Tonga
      A5        Bhutan
      A6        United Arab Emirates
      C2        Nauru
      C5        Gambia
      C6        Bahamas
      CN       Morocco
      D2        Angola
      D4        Cape Verde 
      E3         Eritrea
      E5         North & South Cook Is.
      HH        Haiti
      HV        Vatican
      J5          Guinea-Bissau
      J8          St. Vincent
      KG4      Guantanamo Bay
      KH0      Mariana Is.
      KH1      Baker & Howland Is.
      KH4      Midway Island
      KH5      Palmyra & Jarvis Is.
      KH7K   Kure Island
      KH9      Wake island
      KP1       Navassa Island
      KP5       Desecheo Island
      P2          Papua New Guinea
      P5          North Korea
      PZ          Suriname
      S0          Western Sahara
      S7          Seychelles
      S9          Sao Tome & Principe
      ST          Sudan
      SU          Egypt
      T2           Tuvalu
      T3           Kiribati
      T5           Somalia
      T8           Palau
      TJ            Cameroon
      TL           Central African Rep
      TN          Congo
      TT           Chad
      TY           Benin
      V3           Belize
      V4           St. Kitts & Nevis
      V6           Micronesia
      VP2E       Anguilla
      VP2M      Montserrat
      XU           Cambodia
      XW          Laos
      XZ            Myanmar
      YA            Afghanistan
      Z2             Zimbabwe
      ZD9          Tristan da Cunha
      3B             Agalega, Mauritius, Rodrigues
      3C0          Pagalu Island
      3C            Equatorial Guinea
      3DA         Swaziland
      3W           Vietnam
      3X            Guinea
      4J             Azerbaijan
      4W           Timor- Leste
      5A            Libya
      5R            Madagascar
      5T            Mauritania
      5U            Niger
      5V            Togo
      7O            Yemen
      7P             Lesotho
      7Q            Malawi
      8Q            Maldives
      9L             Sierra Leone
      9N            Nepal
      9U            Burundi
      9X            Rwanda

                                                                                        HOW TO SORT YOUR QSLs
  1.. Presort your DX QSL's alphabetically by parent call-sign prefix (AP, CE, DL, ES, EZ, F, G, JA, LY, PY, UN, YL, 5N, 9Y  and so on). Canadian and Australian cards should be sorted by numerical callsign (VE1, VE2, VE3 & VK1, VK2, VK3 etc). NOTE: Some countries have a parent prefix and use additional prefixes, i.e. G (parent prefix) = M, 2E, 2I, 2M, 2W,....  When sorting countries that have multiple prefixes, keep that country's prefixes grouped with the parent prefix in your alphabetical stack.  In other words the other prefixes that are really count as G should ALL be sorted as if they were G call signs.

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