[SEDXC] Announcement: NCCC Winter NS Sprint Practice Series

John Laney k4bai at worldnet.att.net
Fri Dec 4 14:07:24 PST 2009


The First Winter NCCC - NS Ladder Competition, NSWL-I.

For  background info on the ladder see:
1)   www.ncccprint.com and http://www.ncccsprint.com/rules.html
2)   NCJ, Vol 37 No, 6, Nov/Dec 2009, pages 40-43. "March-August 2009 NCCC
Sprint Ladder VI Results"

NSWL-I Dates: Dec 11 through February 26 2010,  10 Sessions
          -- Count highest scores in 6 out of 10 weeks.
          -- Complete schedule is at: 
                  All weeks Dec 11 (Z) to Feb 26 except Christmas, New 
                       We may hold NS these nights, but not as part of

Bands: 20, 40, 80 and 160 CW (around 1815 CW)

Di visions; Same as usual
          East of Ms. River
          West of Ms. River
          NCCC  in CA/NV

         - QSO's with same stations once per band.
         - For complete rules, see http://www.ncccsprint.com/rules.html

Times: All sessions, 0230-0300Z
          -- Preceeded by Slow NS, SNS (W9RE) at 0200Z

           -- Plaque to overall winner (major donation by K6UFO)
           -- Two bottles of wine from N6ZFO's Talleyrand Winery
                     -- minimum 50 Q's AND 4 weeks participation to qualify
                     -- one entry in drawing pool for each 30 QSO's over
course of NSWL.
          -- Certificates to all who show up five times or more
                --  Special note if you are a Division winner
          -- Report scores to www.hornucopia.com/3830score/ as usual.

NCCC-Blue Reflector:  IF you are new to NS/NS Ladder, consider signing up
for the NS Reflector, NCCC-Blue.
For sign up procedure, or other NS questions,  contact n6zfo at arrl.net.

73 Bill n6zfo
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