[SEDXC] Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests; This Wee's Contests

John Laney k4bai at worldnet.att.net
Wed Dec 23 11:47:52 PST 2009

Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests:

1.  Radio Amateurs of Canada Winter Contest
Call   CW Q  Ph Q  CW M  Ph M  Score    Category  Time  St  Club  Notes
N4PN    365  1087    36    37  518,884  SOMixHP   24    GA  SECC
K1ZZI   293     0    28     0   46,648  SOCW HP    5:22 GA  SECC
K4BAI   385     0    25     0   40,200  SOCW HP    6:44 GA  SECC
KT4ZB     0   183     0    15   18,210  SOSSBLP    4    GA  SECC
N4GG    152     0    19     0   14,478  SOCW HP    1:11 GA  SECC  SO2R
K4OD      0    69     0    20   10,720  SOSSBLP    7.5  GA  SECC
NN4F      0    73     0    15    7,380  SOSSBLP    2    SC  SECC
W4NBS    59     0    14     0    5,768  SOCW LP    3    AL  ACG
W4BQF    60     0    11     0    4,158  SOCW HP    1:14 GA  SECC
N4ZL     34     0     3     0      372  SOCW LP    1.5  SC  SECC

2.  NCCC Ladder 12/18/09
N4OGW  51  40  2,040  SOLP .5  MS  ACG
W4NZ   43  31  1,333  SOLP .5  TN  TCG
K4BAI  42  30  1,260  SOLP .5  GA  SECC
K0EJ   38  25    950  SOLP .5  TN  TCG

3.  OK DX (Czech Rep) RTTY Contest
Call    QSO  DX  OK  Score    Category  Time  St  Club  Misc
WX4TM   583  95  30  206,375  SOABHP    12    AL  ACG
K9MUG   378  50  27  136,983  SOSB/40HP 10    AL  ACG
KE4UNA  460  75  27  125,868  SOABHP    11    AL  ACG
W4HOD   141  40   7  15,792   SOABLP    12    AL  ACG   Op:  AA4YL
KD4LCR  113  17   0   2,652   SOABLP     6:35 OK
KE4KWE   25   7   0     567   SOABLP     1    AL  ACG

4.  Croatian CW Contest
K4BAI  361  84  102,228  SOABHP     8:24  GA  SECC
N4GG   110  33   11,517  SOSB/20HP  1:18  GA  SECC
KU8E    37  15    3,984  SOSB/40LP  3     GA  SECC

5.  QRPARCI Winter Spirits Homebrewer Sprint
K4BAI  14  14  6,566  LowBand QRP5W  0:29  GA  SECC

6.  December Flying Pigs QRP Club Run for the Bacon
K4BAI  10   9   198  QRP5W  0:48  GA  SECC

7.  December Straight Key Century Club Weekday Sprint (SKS)
K4BAI   51  25  1,545  SOHP  1:43  GA  SECC
K4ZGB   39  25  1,195  SOLP  _     AL  ACG
W4UCZ   13  10    230  SOLP  _     GA  SECC
WD4AXA   7   4     78  SOLP  _     AL
W4HDM    5   5     60  SOLP  _     GA

This Week's Contests:

No QRP Fox Hunts.  No NCCC Practices.

1.  South Dakota QSO Party.  12 UCT Sat to 12 UTC Sun.  All bands except 
WARC, CW/Ph/Digital  Exchange: RS(T) + SPC or SD County.  Rules require 
submission of a log AND an official summary sheet that may be downloaded 
from the webpage and can be filled out and cut and pasted into an e-mail.

2.  Stew Perry Top Band Distance Challenge.  15Z Sat to 15Z Sun. 
Maximum of 14 hours.  160M CW only.  Exchange:  4 character grid square 
(such as EM72).

3.  PODXS 070 Club QRP DX Scramble.  00-24Z Sun.  20M PSK31 only.  5W 
maximum power.  Exchange:  Name and "DX entity."

4.  RAEM CW Contest.  02-0959Z Sunday.  80-10M CW.  Exchange:  serial# + 
latitude in degrees and longitude in degrees.  N = N; S = S; W = W; O = 
E.  Last year there was good activity in this one on 80M, particularly 
from Russia, of course.  Often there is activity on higher bands, but 
that depends on the MUF.  RAEM was a call assigned to Ernst Krekel, a 
Soviet radio operator who was a hero of an Arctic rescue.  The 
government permitted him to use the commercial callsign of his ship as 
his ham radio callsign.  I worked him a few times and have at least one 
QSL from him.  So, this annual contest is in his memory.

Merry Christmas to all and a Happy New Year too.  Hope everyone has a 
good holiday with family and friends and many QSOs over the weekend.  I 
need some SD counties and hope for good activity in this new QSO party. 
  I hope the Alpha 91B will work OK on 160 and hope to make a lot of 
contacts in the Stew Perry.  The Alpha 78 won't work on 160 at the 
moment.  If I can't make many contacts in the Stew Perry, I'll try to 
figure out my latitude and longitude and make some QSOs in the RAEM 

I think that next week, in honor of Straight Key Night on New Year's 
Eve, the NCCC will have a half hour CW Sprint Practice using hand keys 
at the usual NS practice time on Thursday night.  I hope (and believe) 
that we will be home by that hour.  I have a Vibroplex Deluxe key that I 
will exercise then or at least at some time during SKN.  I think the SKN 
runs the entire 24 hours of New Year's Day UCT.

73, John, K4BAI.

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