[SEDXC] Remember Darleen HC2YL et al

Carl carlh at wb4znh.com
Mon Jul 27 20:23:36 PDT 2009

I believe that the meeting at Van's Club House was either the 2nd or 3rd 
SEDXC meeting that I attended.  I bought Darlene's book, but the glue 
must have been defective, the book fell apart. 
It was a great program that she gave.  The last time I saw Darlene was 
when I went to Little Rock to show DXpedition slides.  In attendance 
were San, K5YY, Darlene, and Lennie, K5OVC!  A few years ago, I phoned 
Lenny and he gave me Darlene's phone number.  I tried to call her 
several times, but never got an answer.
Btw, the first meeting I attended was OH2BH on Annobon Island.  Between 
Martti's and Darlene's adventures, I received the spark of desire to do 
a little traveling myself. 

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