[SEDXC] Question about working DX on PSK---Exchange?

Tad Williamson ironbutttad at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 31 14:02:19 PDT 2009

I've finally got around to setting up PSK here and it seems like a lot of ragchewing goes on for the most part.  Don't get me wrong, I've done my share of ragchewing, but now I'm much more interested in filling my log with new band/mode countries.
So, my question is, when working a DX station on PSK, what is the typical exchange?
Something like:
"DX1DX Thanks, ur 599 de WF4W"
or because of the nature of PSK should the exchange have more info.
I'm so used to the quick exchanges in pileups using other modes, I just wanted to see what others might be doing on PSK and avoid any PSK etiquette problems.
Thanks, 73, Tad, WF4W

"What a long, strange trip it's been"
The Grateful Dead

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