[SEDXC] SEDCO coming up in a a couple weeks...here is the schedule of events !

MAllphin at aol.com MAllphin at aol.com
Mon Sep 7 08:12:48 PDT 2009


This event is always lots of fun....good programs and fine  people !  
I encourage you to attend ! 
73, Bob-K4UEE 

SEDCO V -- Sept 26, 2009 Program…Pigeon Forge,  TN 

We are now  “officially” an ARRL sanctioned  Operating Specialty 
(SEDCO V Conference)  under the sponsorship/leadership of the SouthEastern 
DX  and Contesting Organization, Inc. a Non-Profit Organization.       

This year we are pleased and honored to have factory  representatives from 
ICOM, TEN TEC and YAESU on hand with a display of their  equipment in the 
lobby area. 
There will also be a display of Elecraft equipment and  information. 
1100:  Registration at the MainStay Convention  Center. 
Location is at the back part of  the MainStay with plenty of easy 
convenient parking. 

Free snacks, water/soft drinks at the back of the room  all day.. help 
yourself anytime.  Those with convention tickets are eligible for many super  
1200-1230:  Introduction/Announcements, etc by Lynn, W4NL 
1230-1305:  Dave Anderson, K4SV:  “TO5DX -  St. Barthelemy” 
1305-1310:  Set-up – GIVE THREE  PRIZES 
1310-1345:  Kirk Pickering, K4RO: "Contesting 101 –  How to Maximize your 
and you’re Fun”                                                            
1345-1350:  Set-up - GIVE THREE  PRIZES 
1350-1425:  Josh Fisher, W4WJF/VK9DWF:  “A  Rookie’s Experience Down Under”
1425-1445:  BREAK & Set-up - GIVE THREE PRIZES 
1445-1520:  Jim Hall, AD4EB:  “RTTY Contesting  Basics” 
1520-1525:  Set-up - GIVE THREE  PRIZES 
1525-1600:  Jay Slough, K4ZLE:  “Trials of Installing  Towers” 
1600-1605:          Set-up - GIVE THREE  PRIZES 
1605-1640:  Ward Silver, NØAX:   “W1AW/KL7, I Can See UAØ  from  Here 
& So You Think You Have Enough Towers"                 
1640-1655:  BREAK & Set-up - GIVE THREE PRIZES 
1655-1730:          Dennis Motschenbacher, K7BV:  “5JØBV  6 Meter DXpedition
1730-1735:  Set-up - GIVE THREE  PRIZES 
1735-1810:  Carl Smith, N4AA/C6AAA:  “Keep Left” – BAHAMA  ROADS 
1810-1820:.GIVE  THREE PRIZES…then B R E A K -  Prepare For Dinner 
1900-2030:  Dinner, Recognition, Fellowship -  Prize Drawings   
2030-2045:  BREAK for resumption of  convention 
2045-2130     Bob  Allphin, K4UEE:  “Desecheo 2009 - So rare;  So near;  
Yet so  far!” 


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