[SEDXC] Looking for a 2 meter preamp

David Thompson thompson at mindspring.com
Wed Aug 4 20:28:52 PDT 2010

My nearly new FT-1802M is just like my previous 2 meter base 
transceivers..its practically deaf!
W4NU hears me 10 over but even with 100 watts he is 80% readable.  I listen 
to the W4PME repeater we use and at best its S5 and that is probably the 
Sweat Mountain repeater site I hear.

I finally had good luck working N4ONI (40 miles west) when I used a Mirage 
brick with built in pre-amp.  I looked at pre-maps from MFJ/Mirage or 
Hamtronics and they are $150+.  It would just as cheap to buy a used brick 
with a pre-amp and cut the Yaesu's power from 55 to 10 watts which is 

Anyone have a source for 2 meter pre-maps that will switch when you 

73 Dave K4JRB 

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