[SEDXC] Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests; This Week's Contests
John Laney
k4bai at att.net
Fri Aug 6 12:48:18 PDT 2010
Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests:
1. August 2010 Adventure Radio Society Spartan Sprint
K4BAI 32 32 SOQRP5W (Tubby) 1:54 GA SECC
K0NWT 6 6 SOQRP5W (Tubby) :47 GA SECC
2. NCCC NS Ladder, 8/6/10
W4NZ 50 35 1,750 SOLP 0.5 TN TCG SO2R
N4OGW 48 34 1,632 SOLP 0.5 MS ACG SO2R
K4BAI 47 31 1,457 SOLP 0.5 GA SECC
This Week's Contests:
1. NAQP Practice Session. Friday night local, 0200-0230Z Sat. Use
NAQP rules. Get on and make sure your rig and logging programs are
ready to go for the real NAQP on Saturday.
2. TARA Grid Dip Shindig. 24 hours of Saturday UTC. 160-6M PSK, RTTY.
Exchange: name = 4 character grid square.
3. 10-10 International Club Summer SSB Contest. 0001Z Sat to 2359Z
Sun. 10M SSB. Exchange: Name + SPC + 10-10# if any.
4. ARRL UHF Contest. 18Z Sat to 18Z Sun. 222 mHz and up. Exchange:
4 character grid square.
5. North American QSO Party, CW. 18Z Sat to 06Z Sun. 10 hour maximum
for single ops (minimum off-period 30 minutes). Be sure to count your
off period correctly. If, for example, your last QSO is 0000Z, don't
make your next QSO until 0031Z (not 0030Z, which would be 29 minutes).
100W maximum power output. Work everyone, not just North American
stations. Exchange: Name + SPC in NA plus Hawaii or just Name outside
NA and Hawaii. If your logging program won't accept a QSO without
something in the QTH place, use "DX." If you haven't yet signed up for
a team, contact WA1FCN for an ACG team and K1ZZI for a SECC team.
6. Straight Key Century Club Weekend Sprint (WES). 24 hours of Sunday
UTC. 160-6M CW. Exchange: RST + Name + SPC + SKCC# or "None." Use
mechanical key only, such as a hand key, bug, cootie, sideswiper. Extra
bonus points for QSOs with VA5LF.
7. North American QRP CW Club Straight Key/Bug Sprint. 0030-0230Z Wed
(Tuesday night local). 20, 40, 80M CW. 5W maximum output. Exchange:
RST + SPC + NAQCC# or power. Multiply score x2 for hand key and x 1 1/2
for bug.
8. QRP Fox Hunt. 0100-0230Z Wed (Tuesday night local). 14050-14070
kHz. 5W maximum power output. Exchange: RST, SPC, Name, Power. Work
only the two Foxes. K4BAI will be one of the Foxes this Tuesday night.
9. CW Ops Club Mini Sprints (CWT). Three separate one-hour sprints.
Wednesday 11Z and 19Z and Thursday 03Z. 80, 40, 20M CW. Exchange: RST
and CWOps # or SPC. Get on and make QSOs and maybe you will be
nominated for CW Ops Club Membership.
Hope everyone has a nice weekend and week, keeps cool, and makes a lot
of QSOs. 73, John, K4BAI.
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