[SEDXC] 160M added to wb4mak.com

WB4MAK mccormick_mack at hotmail.com
Mon Dec 27 05:44:59 PST 2010

I’ve added 160M to http://wb4mak.com . The solution was to use the internal sound card on the computer which is capable of 192 KHz. I could not find a combination that would work to use four add on cards. So, the configuration is now three ASUS Xonar D1 cards and the computer motherboard sound card. As my good friend Jim Stafford, W4QO, always says, “experience costs money”. In my case it was a $200 lesson.

I know the 160M band needs to be moved 50 KHz higher but that will have to wait until I order a new crystal.

Please let me know if you see any issues with the site. 


Mack de WB4MAK 

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