Robert Carroll w2wg at comcast.net
Fri Jan 8 10:39:14 PST 2010



You might wonder where the SEDXC banner, equipment, etc are at GARS
tomorrow.  I have the equipment since Gary will be out of town.  But I have
run into an insurmountable problem.  I live in Jefferson Township about 0.3
miles from the top of Sweat Mountain.  I am separated from Sandy Plains Road
by five king-sized hills, the nearest two of which I can personally testify
are covered as of 1:30 PM by black ice.  A couple of big pickup trucks have
managed to get out of here today, but that’s it.  I made it about ¾ the way
up the first hill before I started to slip backwards for an unpleasant 150’
or so while spinning some 360s.  AS luck would have it though I did spin off
both sides of the road I didn’t hit anything, and on the final spin got the
car in the correct orientation and managed to get back home, though I seem
to have destroyed my traction control system.  


There WILL be a table for the SEDXC there, of course, but none of the usual
equipment will be there.  Mike, ND4V, is printing some application forms,
and if he can get there a low key booth effort could be mounted.  If you are
signed up to work at the booth, look for our table.  Work the crowd.  If
Mike has been able to get there with forms, use them, collect money from new
members in the usual way, and get the money and signup forms back to Mike.


Wes is planning to present DX101 at GARS, and as far as I know has not had
to cancel.


If any of you can think of something we can do to work around my absence,
please propose it.


If a miracle occurs and the streets clear off,  I may yet be able to get out
of here, but the prospects don’t look promising.



Bob W2WG

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