[SEDXC] Items for Sale

Richard Turner wb4a at clear.net
Tue Jun 22 11:16:30 PDT 2010

During the renovation process of our new house, and redesigning my shack, I
have a couple of items that I won't be needing, and am offering them for

1.  Comtek ACB - 4 and ACB - 80 hybrid four square phasing system.  Asking

2.  Henry 2KPG linear amplifier.  This amp features 10 - 80 mtrs.  The power
supply produces 3775 volts into a pair of 3CX1000a7's  35 watts input
produces 2K into a Bird dummy load, and there is plenty of head room to
spare.  This is a 4kw amplifier.  I also have the complete history,
schematics, etc for this amp.  It was recently serviced and repaired by
KD3P.  The tubes have only 5 hours on them.  The amp features the
"tear-drop" meters, and I have a spare set of these available which are
new.  Asking $2750.00 to SEDXC members.  It has also been recently

I prefer not to ship the amplifier.  Inquires please contact me off the
list.  E-mail:  wb4a at arrl.net or by phone:  678-777-0687

73 to all

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