k4pi k4pi at bellsouth.net
Thu Jun 24 12:49:30 PDT 2010

Still time to get in on the 6 M DX fun.  Hopefully the band will be open for 
FD and if you are looking for states you should be able to work all the 
continental ones.  I think we are reaching the peak for the summer season. 
Usually the DX drys up around July 15 although you can get a little 
something after that on occasion.  A bunch of the club members were in there 
this morning pounding away toward EU. N4NX, K4UEE, K4WZ  were heard.  I know 
that all of them worked some new ones.  I worked 72 EU stations from the 
Baltic Sea down to the Mediterranean Sea.  C5 Expedition for 6 M is due up 
next week along with FS,J6 and J8.  6 M waits for no man. 73 Mike K4PI 

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