[SEDXC] More GQP activities

Michael Condon mrcne4s at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 9 06:31:30 PST 2010

As we get to the 30 day mark, more folks are checking in.

Jeff, W4DD, will foray the frequencies from Forsythe...at home, all bands, including 160.

Brian, WX4DX, reports Atlanta Radio Club action.  
A local operation, and a rover run of 4 +/- counties.
They are watching the map.  Details TBD.
This is a perfect way to have a club event.

Val, N4RJ, will be making mischief in McIntosh, at home.
I am sure Val's posting will help some rover pick a shorter route.
TNX Val.

 John, K4BAI, will manufacture megahertz from Muscogee, home.

There is still a lot of wild territory on the map.

Help us "Go Green"!
Your posting note will get you a Green credit, good for 1/2 point in the 2020 GQP.

At the beep, click below.   Beep!
listmycounty4gqp at gaqp.org
Please leave a message with your call, county, and any special info.
There, that was not so difficult...

Let's have fun out there.


Please use ne4s at iham.us as my address.
GQP 2010 is on April 10, 11th, Join the party.
See gqp.contesting.com !
Be well 


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