[SEDXC] PJ Bandplan and Press Release #1 and #2

Ralph K1ZZI k1zzi at comcast.net
Sat Oct 2 04:43:33 PDT 2010

If this was posted here previously I missed it?  Sorry if it's a dupe.  Best of luck to all our SEDXC members headed down to Saba!  Checkout the Saba website it's awesome.  Chaz that must be you.  www.saba2010.com

 Week 1 - October 9-15

  Dave K4SSU
  Bob K4UEE
  Wey K8EAB
  Ralph KØIR
  Don N4HH
  Bill N4NX
  Steve VE7CT
  Chaz W4GKF
  Gregg W6IZT
  Week 2 - October 16-22

    Bob K4UEE
    Jay K4ZLE
    Tim K5AC
    Wey K8EAB
    Wayne KU4V
    Hal N4GG
    Gordon N4LR
    Steve VE7CT
    Ralph VE7XF
Ralph K1ZZI

Press Release #1
For Immediate Release
September 30, 2010
 From Bob Allphin, K4UEE
Saba 2010 DXpedition leader (PJ6A)

The Saba 2010 team has been granted the callsign PJ6A.  The sea container
arrives on Saba today and all off-island preparations for the activation
of Saba are complete.

Two teams, comprised mostly of members of the Southeastern DX Club
(SEDXC) and K5D team members will operate over a two-week period beginning
October 10, 2010, and ceasing operations the evening of October 22, 2010.

Our two QTHs are approximately 500 ft above the sea with a clear shot to
the main target areas of ASIA, NA and EU.   Combine these QTHs and with
excellent operators and we believe DXers worldwide will have a great
chance of making QSOs for a brand new DXCC entity.

Please visit our website (www.saba2010.com or www.pj6a.com) often, as we
will be updating periodically.  It is our intent to upload logs twice daily
for QSO look-up!  LOTW will be uploaded Jan 1, 2011.  QSL via N4NX or
Online QSL Request System (OQRS).

Please note: this operation is entirely self-supporting. The operators
themselves will bear all the costs and provide their personal equipment
for the stations and antennas.

Press Release #2

Date: Sept. 30, 2010
From: DXpedition leaders/teams participating in DXpeditions to new DXCC
       entities beginning 10-10-10
To:  ALL interested DXers worldwide

Due to the unprecedented number of potential new DXCC entities and
numerous planned DXpeditions commencing 10-10-10, we felt it was prudent
to establish a Band Plan to try to minimize interference between DX-
peditions and their pileups.  The following Band Plan is the result of
discussions that have been ongoing for several weeks. It is a Plan....how-
ever, without the cooperation of DXers, the plan will not work.  It is
extremely important that DXers call DXpeditions only within  the specified
frequency ranges. If you do not, you will not work the station you are
calling and you will likely interfere with another  DXpedition on another
Island.  This will require cooperation and discipline.

Success of this plan also requires that DXers help spread the information
about the Band Plan to their fellow DXers and DX Clubs.  WE NEED YOUR HELP!
But if we work together, we will be able to get many, many DXers into our

Thanks for your cooperation!

Bob K4UEE-Saba-PJ6A
Jeff K8ND-Curacao-PJ2T
Craig K9CT-St. Maarten-PJ7E
Kelly N0VD-Bonaire-various
Will AA4NC-St. Eustatius-TBD
Dave AH6HY-St. Eustatius-TBD
Paul K1XM-St. Eustatius-TBD
Jim K1NA-St. Eustatius-PJ5NA

                          10-10-10 PJ Operations Band Plan
Bands     |  CURACAO    |  BONAIRE    |   STATIA     |   SABA     | ST. MAARTEN
Modes     |     PJ2     |    PJ4      |     PJ5      |    PJ6     |     PJ7
160 CW    | 1810-1817   | 1818-1825   |   1826-1833  | 1834-1841  | 1842-1849
160 SSB   |oper choice  | oper choice |  oper choice |  No SSB    |  No SSB
           |  >1850      |    >1850    |      >1850   |            |

80  CW    |  3501-3510  |  3511-3520  |   3521-3530  | 3531-3540  | 3541-3550
80 SSB TX |  3671-3674  |  3676-3679  |   3681-3684  |  3686-3689 | 3691-3694
80 SSB RX |  3701-3710  |  3711-3720  |   3721-3730  |  3731-3740 | 3741-3750
  Primary  |             |             |              |            |
80 SSB RX |oper choice  |oper choice  | oper choice  |oper choice | oper choice
  Secondary|   >3800     |   >3800     |    >3800     |    >3800   |   >3800
80 Digital|  3570-3575  |  3576-3581  |   3582-3587  |  3588-3593 |  3594-3599

40 CW     |  7001-7010  |  7011-7020  |   7021-7030  |  7031-7040 |  7041-7050
40 SSB TX |  7075-7078  |  7080-7083  |   7085-7088  |  7090-7093 |  7095-7098
40 SSB RX |  7126-7135  |  7136-7145  |   7146-7155  |  7156-7165 |  7166-7175
Primary   |             |             |              |            |
40 SSB RX |oper choice  | oper choice | oper choice  |oper choice | oper choice
  Secondary|   >7175     |    >7175    |    >7175     |   >7175    |   >7175
40 Digital|  7051-7055  |  7056-7060  |   7061-7065  | 7066-7070  |  7071-7075

30 CW     | 10101-10106 | 10107-10112 |  10113-10118 | 10119-10124| 10125-10130
30 Digital| 10130-10133 | 10134-10137 |  10138-10141 | 10142-10145| 10146-10149

20 CW     | 14001-14013 | 14014-14027 |  14028-14041 | 14042-14055| 14056-14069
20 SSB TX | 14125-14130 | 14131-14135 |  14136-14140 | 14141-14145| 14146-14150
20 SSB RX | 14170-14180 | 14181-14190 |  14200-14210 | 14211-14220| 14240-14250
  Primary  |             |             |              |            |
20 SSB RX | oper choice | oper choice | oper choice  | oper choice| oper choice
  Secondary|    >14255   |    >14255   |    >14255    |    >14255  |    >14255
20 Digital| 14072-14077 | 14078-14083 |  14084-14089 | 14090-14094| 14095-14099

17  CW    |  ODD days   |  EVEN days  |   ODD days   |  EVEN days |  ODD Days
           | 18068-18078 | 18068-18078 |  18079-18088 | 18078-18088| 
17 SSB    |  EVEN days  |  ODD days   |  EVEN days   |  ODD days  | EVEN days
           | 18120-18135 | 18120-18135 |  18136-18150 | 18136-18150| 
17 Digital|  ODD days   |   EVEN days |              | EVEN days  |  ODD days
           | 18100-18105 | 18100-18105 |  no digital  | 18106-18110| 

15 CW     | 21001-21013 | 21014-21027 | 21028-21041  | 21042-21055| 21056-21069
15 SSB    | 21275-21290 | 21291-21305 | 21306-21320  | 21321-21335| 21336-21350
15 Digital| 21072-21077 | 21078-21083 | 21084-21089  | 21090-21094| 21095-21099

12 CW     |  ODD days   |   EVEN days |  ODD days    |  EVEN days |  ODD days
           | 24891-24900 | 24891-24900 | 24901-24910  | 24901-24910| 
12 SSB    |  EVEN days  |   ODD days  |  EVEN days   |  ODD days  |  EVEN days
           | 24935-24950 | 24935-24950 | 24951-24965  | 24951-24965| 
12 Digital|  ODD days   |   EVEN days |              |  EVEN days |  ODD days
           | 24920-24925 | 24920-24925 |  no digital  | 24926-24930| 

10 CW     | 28001-28013 | 28014-28027 | 28028-28041  | 28042-28055| 28056-28069
10 SSB    | 28301-28325 | 28330-28355 | 28360-28385  | 28390-28415| 28420-28445
10 Digital| 28072-28080 | 28085-28095 | 28100-28110  | 28115-28125| 28130-28140

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