[SEDXC] HamJam: Hear World Class Speakers and Win a Flex or K3--Raffle Tickets Available On-line, No Need to Be Present to Win-- Open to All

Robert Carroll w2wg at comcast.net
Sat Oct 9 12:42:33 PDT 2010

As a service to the ham community, North Fulton Amateur Radio League and the
Southeastern DX Club are presenting HamJam 2010 on Saturday, November 13,
2010 at the Georgia Institute of Technology.  This special event will
feature Joe Taylor, K1JT, Nobel Prize winner and the author of WSJT, WSPR
and other weak signal algorithms and Ward Silver, N0AX, author of Ham Radio
for Dummies and a columnist for QST as well as editor of the ARRL Handbook.
You may have even seen Ward in surgical garb at various ham gatherings a few
years ago.  We will also watch Hal Kennedy, N4GG, demonstrate and describe
Blue Lightning, a fabulous spark gap transmitter.  Admission to the event is
free, but $5 donations to cover expenses will bring the opportunity to win
an Elecraft K-3 or Flex Radio 1500.


Full details on the event can be found at HamJam.nfarl.org , but here is
some important summary information:


1)      Any donations in excess of expenses will be donated to the NFARL and
SEDXC scholarship funds.

2)      The session is open to all.  Raffle tickets will be offered at
various gatherings of hams in the Atlanta area.  We welcome all visitors. If
you can't attend but want to support our scholarship programs, you can still
make donations at hamjam.nfarl.org and we will contact you if you win, i.e.
you need not be present to win. If you prefer to buy on line, please visit
the hamjam.nfarl.org page and click the link in "Click here to buy raffle
tickets."  You can pay by PayPal.



Finally, we would greatly appreciate your passing this information to your
ham friends and clubs.  The SEDXC reflectors have many  members living far
from the Atlanta area.  If you are one of these far-flung reflector members,
please consider  making a donation-and tell your friends about the K3 and


Any questions?  Contact me at w2wg at comcast.net.



Bob Carroll, W2WG, SEDXC President

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