[SEDXC] Looking to trade for some vintage gear

K. Edwards kredwards at gmail.com
Sat Feb 26 16:17:21 PST 2011

I am looking to trade some of my idle equipment for some equipment that is
holdomg my current fascination. I thought I'd ask here, and would appreciate
any help via referrals.

I haven't had much lucki in buying the older stuff via online methods, as it
hasn't been packed well and arrived as "parts"...

Anyhow, here's what I have:

   - Ten-Tec Argonaut V
      - S/N 07C10404 TCXO
      - Ten Tec Fan added
      - Manual/power cord

   - Elecraft T-1 Autotuner (factory assembled)
      - HF+6M – 20W max

   - LDG QRP Tuner (predecessor to Z-11)
      - CAP knob VERY sticky
      - PWR switch bent
      - http://www.eham.net/reviews/detail/1108
      - Manual -

   - Index Labs QRP+
      - Modified to QRP++ (no mike gain pot)
      - Original S/N 0434

   - Yaesu FT817nd
      - S/N 7L310211
      - Yaesu carrying strap
      - Manual
      - Mike
      - Factory Antenna (no screw on tip for 2M)

   - HB-1A
      - Three bands (7, 10, 14MHz) Trail Friendly Radio
      - http://youkits.com/HB-1A%203%20BAND%20CW%20TRANSCEIVER.html
      - 2-3W with 8 AA batteries
      - Manual - http://youkits.com/techfile/hb-1a-manual.pdf

   - Yaesu FT897 – *knob issue*
      - Mem/VFO knob broken off. Kind of works; replacement included, if you
      are good at soldering.
      - S/N 2J020282
      - Mike
      - FT897D manual included

   - Ten-Tec Argosy
      - S/N 52500614
      - Dent on left rear side

NONE of these are collector radios- they have all been USED! They work, with
deficiencies noted.

Pictures (…such as they are J…) available on request.

I am simply not using them and, before I sell them on eBay, I thought I’d
have a go at seeking a trade here.

Not looking for any outright sales at this time, so please don’t ask “how
much for…”, as I have not set any price points in my mind.

* *


   - HF AM gear
      - Gonset G-76 w/ Power Supply
      - Ranger II with switching relay (like Dow Key Relay)

   - Hallicrafters SR150
   - Hallicrafters SR500 w/ Power Supply

   - National NC-303
   - National HRO-60 with coils

*Open to other offers of working vintage gear.*

Please reply directly to me at  wa4sqm at gmail.com


--Ken  WA4SQM

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