[SEDXC] Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests; This Week's Contests

John Laney k4bai at att.net
Thu Jan 27 11:45:48 PST 2011

Two days in Valdosta this week threw me behind, as usual.  I confused 
myself about the weekday sprints this week.  Hope I didn't confuse any 
of you too.  As always, the best source of contest information is one of 
the contest calendars, WA7BNM or SM3CER, and from one of them to the 
official website for the contest.

Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests:

1.  2011 Locust QSO Party
K4BAI  62  71,000  HP Secret Swarmer Check Log  0:54  GA  SECC

2.  January NAQCC Hand Key/Bug Sprint
N4NM   47  23  4,232  SOQRP  SWA       AL  ACG
K1ZZI  57  28  3,080  SOQRP  GAIN      GA  SECC
K4BAI  36  18  2,484  SOQRP5W SWA 0:58 GA  SECC
AA4NN  40  18  2,052  SOQRP  GAIN      SC  SECC
K4NVJ  17   9    612  SOQRP  SWA       AL
K4JPN  11   9    396  SOQRP  SWA       GA
NY4G   15  12    360  SOQRP  SWA       SC
N4SAM   9   9    162  SOQRP  SWA       AL
KB0ETU  3   3     36  SOQRP  SWA       AL
WB5NMZ  2   2      8  SOQRP  SWA       AL

3.  NCCC NS Ladder, 1/21/11
W4OC   51  34  1,734  SOLP  0.5  SC  SECC  SO2R
W4NZ   42  28  1,176  SOLP  0.5  TN  TCG   SO2R
K4BAI  35  27    945  SOLP  0.5  GA  SECC
KY4F   30  21    630  SOLP  0.5  AL  ACG

4.  ARRL January VHF Sweepstakes
N1LF   52  32  2,560  SOLP  __   AL  ACG
N4PN    6   4     24  SOLP  1    GA  SECC
K4BAI   4   3     12  SOLP  0:07 GA  SECC
KC4HW   3   2      6  SOHP  1    AL  ACG

5.  BARTG RTTY Contest
K9MUG/4  380   53  128,840  SOHP  12    AL  ACG
W4BQF    371  300  111,300  SOHP   6.5  GA
W4UK     500  180   90,000  SOHP  12.8  SC  SECC
KA4PKB   444   48   85,248  M/OHP 24    AL  ACG  KA4PKB/AA4YL at W4HOD
KE4KWE   338   50   76,050  SOLP  12    AL  ACG
AA4U     233   44   51,260  SOLP   7.5  AL  ACG
K4HAL    235  180   42,300  SOHP   4    AL  ACG
KM4JA    100    3   13,800  SOLP   _    AL  ACG
KB4KBS   123  123    9,225  SOLP   6.5  GA  SECC
N4VN      80   22    5,280  SOHP   4.5  AL

Obviously the multiplier column doesn't really make sense since the 
reporters must not agree on what number needs to be reported as a 
multiplier.  I thnk KM4JA is an error and his multiplier total may be 46 
or 49.  It appears that W4BQF, W4UK, and K4HAL have some double 
multiplier factor figured in.  K9MUG, KA4PKB, KE4KWE, AA4U, and N4VN 
apparently do not.  I suspect KB4KBS is in error and maybe that is just 
his number of QSO points rather than the multiplier.  The last time I 
tried to bring some sense to a widely diverse multiplier column (in a 
WAE Contest), I got a lot of grief from those who reported it the 
various different ways. So, here is just what I got from the 3830 
reports with an asterisk that they cannot all be reconciled.

6.  NAQCC 160M Hand Key/Bug Sprint
K1ZZI  26   17  867  SOQRP      GA  SECC
K4BAI  13   11  572  SOQRP      GA  SECC
N4SAM  14   12  504  SOQRP      AL
W4JVY   6    4   96  SOQRP      AL
WB5NMZ  4    3   24  SOQRP      AL
K4EOR   3    3   24  SOQRP      GA

This week's contests:

1.  Tonight:  40 CW QRP Fox Hunt.  0200-0330Z Friday, Thursday night 
local.  7030-7050 kHz.  Two foxes (one is NK9G in WI) will be hiding. 
Exchange:  RST, SPC, Name, Power.  Work only the two foxes.  Same thing 
next Tuesday night on 80M, 3550-3570 kHz.  Maximum power:  5W.

2.  Tonight:  NCCC Practices.  SNS 0200-0220Z Friday, Thursday night 
local.  20, 40, 80M CW, 100W maximum.  18 wpm maximum speed.  One kHz 
QSY rule.  Exchange:  both calls, #, name, SPC.  NS Ladder runs 
0230-0259Z with the same rules except add 160M band and no speed limit.

3.  CQ 160M CW Contest.  22Z Friday to 22Z Sunday.  160M CW.  30 hour 
maximum time on air.  Exchange:  RST + S/P or CQ Zone.  Club aggregate 
score competition.

4.  REF (France) Contest, CW.  06Z Sat to 18Z Sun.  80-10M CW.  28 hours 
maximum time.  Exchange:  RST + Serial # or French Department # or 
Prefix (for overseas French stations).

7.  UBA (Belgium) DX Contest, SSB.  13Z Sat to 13Z Sun.  80-10M SSB. 
Exchange:  RST + Serial # plus Province for Belgian stations.

8.  QRPARCI Fireside SSB Sprint.  2000Z - 2359Z Sun.  80-10M SSB. 
Exchange:  RS + SPC + QRPARCI # or power.

9.  80M QRP Fox Hunt.  See item #1 above.

Hope everyone has a nice week and weekend and a lot of QSOs.  The big 
contest activity this weekend will be the CQ 160 CW contest, of course. 
  Probably best if US stations don't CQ between 1835 and 1840 at least. 
  The rules do not have a DX window in them, though.  I understand our 
Region bandplan shows a DX window from 1835 to 1845.  Frequencies below 
1810 are pretty good for US/VE QSOs, but many DX countries do not permit 
operation below 1810.  There will be a lot of CW activity way up in what 
is usually the SSB band and some CW stations will likely be above 1900 
kHz.  Everyone with at least one wire antenna and an external antenna 
tuner can probably make some contacts on 160M even without a dedicated 
160M antenna.  Look for VE7ZO to be using the W4AN SECC Club Call from 
the QTH of Tom, W8JI.  Let's all of us be QRV on 160 this weekend so 
that the others are asking "where did all those AL, GA, and SC stations 
come from?"

73, John, K4BAI.

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