[SEDXC] [sedxc] Need help with antenna launchers

Tom W8JI w8ji at w8ji.com
Thu Jul 7 05:22:24 PDT 2011

> I still need to find a way to use a fishing reel with my 75 pound bow.  I 
> tried a reel mounted on a pipe in the ground below the bow but the reel 
> kept snagging.  I also need to find better arrows.  The ones from Bass Pro 
> Shop are just plain lousy.


All my life I have used a bow and arrow, with most bows about the pull of 

The trick is to buy hollow aluminum arrows. Cut the very tip off. Wad up a 
little ball of paper and flood the outer foot or so of arrow with solder 
ending in a rounded "point". Then just set a roll of 5-10 pound monofilament 
on end on a clean area, and tie the line to the arrow just above the 

With a system like that I can get an arrow way over the top of tall trees, 
or hit a desired lower crotch. The line is used to pull up heavier string, 
and then rope. The monofilament is so cheap it almost isn't worth rewinding.

I have never felt compelled to do anything else because it takes only 
minutes to set up and use, and it always works accurately. The only other 
thing I ever use is a kite when I have to pass over a large stand of trees 
or woods.

I'm still using the K-Mart bow I bought in 1980 or earlier.

73 Tom

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