[SEDXC] [sedxc] Need help with antenna launchers

Bill Wilson kj4ex at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 7 05:03:22 PDT 2011

Good morning All.
I have really enjoyed the responses, and have shared them with my local club members.  We ARE a resourceful sort.
Bill - KJ4EX
VP, Barrow Amateur Radio Club

--- On Wed, 7/6/11, David Thompson <thompson at mindspring.com> wrote:

From: David Thompson <thompson at mindspring.com>
Subject: Re: [sedxc] Need help with antenna launchers
To: sedxc at yahoogroups.com, "SECC" <secc at contesting.com>, sedxc at contesting.com
Date: Wednesday, July 6, 2011, 7:07 PM


Thanks to all the replies.  Seems the tennis ball launcher is most popular.  No mention of EZ-Hang, one of a cross bow.
I still need to find a way to use a fishing reel with my 75 pound bow.  I tried a reel mounted on a pipe in the ground below the bow but the reel kept snagging.  I also need to find better arrows.  The ones from Bass Pro Shop are just plain lousy.  
I do have help on the way (maybe Friday). 
73 Dave K4JRB

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