[SEDXC] Bring QSLs for ARRL outgoing Bureau to Hamfest this Saturday.

Bill Barr, N4NX n4nx at comcast.net
Wed Jun 1 11:39:31 PDT 2011


READ ALL CAREFULLY---New per card rate.

I will be at the Atlanta Hamfest on June 4th.  I  will accept QSLs for the ARRL outgoing QSL service. 

The SEDXC charge for processing member's QSLs to the ARRL outgoing QSL bureau service is now 10 cents per QSL for your home call or for any other call that is held in your name.

This is a new rate.  The ARRL has raised the rate for distributing outgoing QSLs to $12.00 per pound.  On top of that the FedEx rate has risen depending on the total weight of the club mailing.  

I still GET QSLs in incorrect order and for countries that do not accept bureau QSLs.  This is the most time consuming part of my job.  All QSLs should be grouped and sorted by the PARENT prefix of the DXCC entity.  This means that all QSLs for ENGLAND should be grouped together and sorted under the G prefix regardless of the actual prefix used by the Station  (2E, M, GB, G and so on.).  I also get QSLs for DXpeditions and stations who have clearly stated "DO NOT SEND QSLs VIA BUREAU".  At one time I reviewed the calls of the station you were sending the QSL to. This was to see if they had a QSL Manager or would not accept bureau QSLs-- NOT ANY MORE!!!  

The PJ6A operation as most any other operation that has the OQRS system has asked that you NOT send any cards via the bureau.  You can request the bureau card in the OQRS system without having to make a donation.  Sending your QSL via the bureau just creates extra expense for the operation in paying for receipt of cards. ( They then go into the trash! )

You MUST include your ARRL membership information! You can use a copy of a label from a QST or simply write your membership  information ( including the # ) on a piece of paper.

Please Pay in CASH only.  This prevents checks from going un-deposited until a batch is big enough to mail.   Any extra monies received above actual cost of ARRL & FEDEX charged is turned back to the SEDXC treasurer.

Any question please email or call.  

Bill N4NX

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