[SEDXC] Uncovered some SEDXC History Yesterday

w4jbr w4jbr at bellsouth.net
Sun Feb 19 17:12:16 PST 2012


Sounds very familiar...I too took the 13 WPM test by tape machine...in 
Nashville, TN in 1958...I was only 13, scared stiff.  At that time you had to 
leave a Stamped Post Card with the examiner and wait to hear if you passed or 
failed...I failed the first test had to wait 30 days to retake it. The Novice 
license was good for 1-year and was non-renewable, in the interim I took the 
Technician exam to keep my callsign K4MZW.

Next time I took headphones...and passed

First rig...DX-20 & Allied 'Space Spanner' and a J-38.  Later upgraded to a 
DX100 and a Gonset G-33; all I had was a multi-band, inverted 'V' dipole at 20 
feet, separate elements for 80, 40, 20 meters!

I was inactive during college 1963-1968....then moved to Atlanta in 1970...First 
met Bill Jeffers, he worked for electrical contractor Inglett-Stubbs.  I was in 
his office one day and overheard what sounded like a ham conversation but all I 
saw was a big Walkie-Talkie sitting on his drawing table...Bill told me about 
2-meter repeaters, I bought an old Kenwood mobile rig and met Dave WA4SSU, Mac 
N4SE and Stu K4SMX on the 195-repeater.  Later went to SEDX meeting, and as they 
say...the rest is history!

Jack B. Ray, MPM

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From: Hugh Valentine <hsvdds at juno.com>
To: jhdmd at bellsouth.net
Cc: sedxc at contesting.com
Sent: Sun, February 19, 2012 5:36:33 PM
Subject: Re: [SEDXC] Uncovered some SEDXC History Yesterday

I was licensed in 1956.  John  never heard me because I had a dipole laying on 
my roof shingles(hard to believe I didnt burn our little house down).  And I 
didnt have SSB or AM. Those were the Big Daddies up in Atlanta...W4YWX lived 
nearby and had a real antenna.  He worked the DX.  I used to check in to the 
Atlanta Teenage Net with my squeeky voice as K4LRO(Little Radio Operator-weighed 
49 pounds at age 13).
Girls wouldn't talk to me so I found some hams.


---------- Original Message ----------
From: John Harden <jhdmd at bellsouth.net>
To: Michael Almeter <w4mja at yahoo.com>, sedxc at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [SEDXC] Uncovered some SEDXC History Yesterday
Date: Sun, 19 Feb 2012 15:43:31 -0500

I was first licensed in June of 1959 as KN4JAG here in Atlanta. In July 
of 1959 I upgraded to a General class license by taking the test at the 
old Atlanta National Building on Whitehall St., SW. It was intimidating 
for a 15 year old to go down there where the 13 WPM code test was given 
with a tape machine and the theory was on vacuum tubes.

I first worked John (K4BAI) about that time as he had a big signal on 40 
meters on 40 meters AM. He ran a pair of 100 TH's I believe it was. That 
same year I met K4TEA on 10 meters AM in December. Naturally I began 
working DX immediately and was forever hooked.

By the fall of 1960 I was running a Viking Valiant and using a Hornet 
tribander and on my way to the DXCC award. The calls I remember most 
(DXers) were:

K4TEA, K4TKM, K4BAI, W4MCM (SK and later W4HR), W4TO (Buck Joyner, SK, 
and the biggest signal in Atlanta), K4RPK (SK), W4SSU (SK),
W4DXI (SK), W4BYU (SK), W4BFR (SK), W4SKO (SK), W4JII (SK), W4HYW (SK), 
W4EJN (SK), W4BBR (SK), K4TJL (SK), W4KR (SK), K4BVD (now W6OAT), K4TWK 
(SK, and later K4KG), W4YWX (Now N4PN), & K4FPZ.


John W4NU

    On 2/19/2012 11:38 AM, Michael Almeter wrote:
> Hello Folks, 
>      I was lucky enough to uncover a piece of SEDXC history yesterday while 
>helping out a non ham buddy of mine. I have an friend who owns the former home 
>of Bill Harp, K4LFC. In helping clean out the house yesterday in preparation for 
>some new renters coming in, they asked me to take a look at some of the amateur 
>radio things Bill left behind. 
>    What I found was of interest to me - old log books, tons of QSLs, and other 
>assorted ham information. Some interesting stuff to look over. This is what 
>really got me - I have the original club roster and bank balance book of the 
>SEDXC from 1958-1969. 
>      In 1958, dues were $2, and at the end of the year, the club had $74.04 in 
>the bank. I recognize a few calls out of this book, most are SK's, but one in 
>particular sticks out - John, K4BAI. John has been paying dues to the SEDXC 
>since 1960. WOW! Way to go John!
>      I have not found any more things from the SEDXC, but if I find any, I'll 
>be sure to let you all know. 
> 73,
> Mike
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