[SEDXC] SEDXC Members Photos ...

Weymouth Walker weymouth01 at comcast.net
Tue Jan 10 07:05:04 PST 2012

I'm sure most of us know about the Member's Photo
Gallery on the SEDXC's web-site ...

We are striving to have a photo of every member, so
if you don't have a photo you can send to our Web
Meister, why not stroll by the SEDXC's table at this
Saturday's GARS TechFest and I can take one for you ...

As of this morning, here are the members whose photos
are missing:*

AE4O - Chuck Crandall
AG4F - David Saloman
K4AFR - Tom Dutton
K4ATL - John Mitchell
K4IQJ - Richard Jaeger
K4SQC - John Kludt
K4WSW - Bill Weathers
KA9ZDT - Janet Nesbitt
KD4QMY - George Joyner
KD4UKW - Andy Dickerson
KE4UW - Dave Moss
KG4ZGU - Karen Manno
KG4ZR - Mike Herod
N7XG - Dean Davis
W4WUQ - Dalton McCrary
WB4YDL - James Hall
WU1B - Barclay Thomas (photo pending)

*Please accept my apology if I mistyped your call or name
in the list above ...**if you are an out-of-town member, we
encourage you to send your photo to Chaz Cone ...

chaz at chazcone.com

Here's what Chaz says about submitting the photo:

*It's our plan to have a photo of /every/ member of the SEDXC on this page.
You may click on anyone's callsign/name to send an email.

If you have a headshot of yourself and you're not pictured here, please
click *HERE* 
<mailto:w4gkf at chazcone.com?subject=Pix%20to%20include%20in%20SEDXC%20Gallery> 
to send it to Chaz for inclusion here.  If you have other shots
you'd like included, send 'em along!

_Please send photos at the highest resolution you have_ with your head
occupying about 1/3 of the frame; I'll resize 'em for the page.

**NOTE: If there's neither a photo nor a placeholder for you, it's because
we think your dues are past due.  If you don't agree, click *HERE* 
<mailto:w4gkf at chazcone.com?subject=SEDXC%20Dues%20Research> and
we'll figure it all out.  If you DO need to pay your dues, click *HERE* 

See you at TechFest ! ...

73, Wey Walker
K8EAB ...



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