Mike Greenway K4PI at BELLSOUTH.NET
Mon Nov 3 08:39:48 EST 2014

They continue to keep pumping out the Q’s at a quick pace.  For only 6 ops they are doing a great job from my observation.  Their signals are decent on all bands and all the ops are top notch. They have been giving NA/SA a break on the low bands to help us through the EU wall.  I think most everyone is familiar with the Clublog log check function to see if you are in the log but there is a statistics page you might not have seen that is really informative.  It shows the breakdown of QSOs by Continent and band etc.  Quite a bit of nice data.

They were very strong on 20 CW last night.  They have been keeping RTTY very active and are on 17 M RTTY this morning.  They had a good signal on 80 and 40 last night.  I heard several in the ATL area get through on 80 M last night while listening.  I was fortunate enough to make it through on 160 M.

73 Mike K4PI 

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