Joe Subich, W4TV lists at subich.com
Tue Jul 28 16:53:42 EDT 2015

All of which is complete and total BS ...

I have recommended that ARRL's awards program limit the use of remote
stations to *one physical station* per three or sis month period.
Nothing in that - or in a 200 km/125 mi distance from the FCC license
address - would prevent those living in CC&R restricted communities
from using a remote station as long as they use the same station each
time.  That should not be any great "burden" ... it is certainly less
of a burden than building a competitive station from scratch every
quarter for someone who was physically relocating.

A 200 km limit on remotes is only prudent *regulation* - after all
how can someone have effective control and maintain a station that
is more than two hours away from his/her FCC address (presumably
his/her home, office or a PO Box in the same community)?  Certainly
one should be able to find/secure a suitable station location within
that radius (nearly 50,000 sq miles or 125,000 sq. km!).

These limits do not even hit the "snow bird" who might choose to
remotely operate a "home station" while in the other location or
impact a "road warrior" who operates hi home station from a hotel
room half-way across the country.

 > I think it is the FL retirees with deep pockets he is representing.

Again, these "restrictions" do not prevent "legitimate" remote
operation.  The retiree with deep pockets can still "rent time" on a
remote or build his own remote station within 125 miles of his license
location.  The only thing 200 km and "once per quarter" limits do is
restrict the ability to "dial for propagation" and level the playing
field.  In effect, they are no different that old rules that prevent
me from calling a buddy in Seattle and having him connect the phone
to his rig and turn on VOX so I could work P5, BS7, BV9P or XZ.

I've had low dipoles hidden in the trees at less than 40 feet and an
R5 for the past 17 years.  In that time, with only 100 W,  I've made
DXCC HR Mixed and CW (I need three more on Phone), have over 2500
DXCC Challenge, *and* have been #2 worldwide in the CQ Marathon
"Formula" class *three years in a row* with over 300 countries plus
zones each year.  By the way ... I also have more than 365 grids on
6M from here as well.  Don't give me any BS about CC&Rs making it
impossible to work 100 countries, etc.


   ... Joe, W4TV

On 2015-07-28 3:51 PM, k4pi at bellsouth.net wrote:
> This is a response from K4AC our Div Rep and I can see why the rules on DXCC have become so lax now.. this is from K4AC as to why he will not support a 200 Km distance to remotes for DXCC.  So if it too hard we just keep the rules to make it as easy as possible.
> The DXCC program belongs to all of the membership. As such, it is my
> responsibility to consider the positions of all members. I heard very
> different things from the hardcore DX community where the members are
> in competition with each other  than I did from the rank and file
> membership which includes Amateurs that have struggled or are
> struggling to reach 100 confirmed and see it as a very personal
> achievement. Amateurs located in CC&R restricted communities and
> amateurs that have been forced to give up competitive stations due to
> aging benefit immensely from the ability to operate using remotely
> controlled stations”
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