[SEDXC] [NFARL] WinKeyer thoughts

Mike - W5JR w5jr.lists at gmail.com
Wed Mar 4 11:29:15 EST 2020

Scott, it all depends on what your goal is. Many of the modern radios today have some way of sending Morse via the CAT interface. As such, most logging/rig control programs can utilize the CAT interface to send CW, including canned messages as used in a contest. As Clark mentions, in the early days, computer timing and the amount of non-contesting programs running impacted the smoothness of sent CW. The WinKeyer and similar products addressed the issue. 

If your radio doesn’t support (smooth) CW generation via the CAT interface, you likely would want something in between the computer and the radio. The WinKeyer is a reliable way to go. I have one that I acquired for used with my Icom 756Pro years ago. It’s no longer required with my Elecraft or Flex equipment. However, when I use a piece of my “legacy” equipment for a contest that was built prior to CAT CW being implemented, the WinKeyer  comes out for use. 

The initial N4N GQP Dual Flex Rover Mobile used a WinKeyer for each radio. Flex subsequently implemented a WinKeyer emulator making the physical WinKeyer unnecessary. We carried WinKeyers for backup a couple of years, but no longer as it is a very reliable solution. I’ve operated K3 radios at Field Days without using a WinKeyer. However, be aware that the paddle speed and logger speed are not synchronized. This could be true for other radios. In the Flex, they were able to synchronize them. 

Mike / W5JR
Alpharetta GA

> On Mar 4, 2020, at 01:05, Scott Straw <kb4kbs at gmail.com> wrote:
> CW enthusiasts (especially CW contesters):
> Would you say that a WinKeyer Device is a must-have accessory?  Is there a similar item with better features that you would recommend?
> Any words of caution or warning regarding using these devices?
> Scott, KB4KBS
> Roswell, Georgia USA
> (EM74)
> Sent from my iPhone6
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