jaltman636 at gmail.com jaltman636 at gmail.com
Mon Nov 9 11:42:54 EST 2020

I remember Bill very fondly.  

Jim Altman
jaltman636 at gmail.com

-----Original Message-----
From: SEDXC at groups.io <SEDXC at groups.io> On Behalf Of Mike / K4PI
Sent: Monday, November 9, 2020 9:21 AM
To: SEDXC <sedxc at contesting.com>; SEDXC at groups.io; Jack Hague <k4dn at yahoo.com>
Subject: [SEDXC] K4KG QSLS

Some of you ole time members of the club probably remember Bill Jay, K4KG (SK) SEDXC Honor Roll.  A lady cleaning out his ole house came across a bunch of his QSLs and is going to put them in a yard sale this weekend.  I doubt anyone has any sentimental interest in them but thought I would mention it anyway.  The sale is at his ole house, 2133 Sweetwater Church Road, Douglasville GA.  The ladies phone number is 770
294 0207.  I dont know her name.  73 Mike K4PI

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