Fri Oct 16 10:43:11 EDT 2020

We were lucky enough to have the long path to Asia on 15 again this 
morning.  For me it starts around 12:30, could be earlier if you are 
further east.  Ends between 13:30 and 14:00.  160 Deg my best bearing.  
This morning worked 4 JA, 2 BV, 1 VR, and 1 YC. Heard other VR but had 
worked before aslo 3W1T was in over an hour calling a lot of CQ.  Heard 
several YB.  I think as long as the A and K stay down where they are we 
maybe continue to have LP Asia. After we loose it here I see stations 
further to the west calling them.  So you have about a 1 hour window 
that moves from east to west.  Several others in the area worked some of 
this also.

I am using a 3 element yagi on 15.  BV1EK was the winner on signal this 
morning, +00.  If you want to see something that will blow your mind, 
look at VR2VAZ on QRZ.  Look at his fishing pole antenna off the side of 
an apartment building.  His signal is consistent on the LP every day.  
He was strong today and he runs 100 w.  but he is up high.  I worked a 
Philippines station yesterday on LP who said he had a single loop on 15 
M with 100 w.

Any day now the A/K are going to jump up and we might loose this.  Good 
DX 73 Mike K4PI

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