[SEDXC] Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests; This Week's Contests

John Laney k4bai at att.net
Thu Sep 30 16:32:39 EDT 2021

Late Received Scores:

NH QSO Party
Call    CW/DigQ  PhQ  Mul
WN4AFP        4    0    3  24  SingleXmtr(A) LP  1  SC  SFCG

NJ QSO Party
Call    CWQ  PhQ  DigQ  Mult
WN4AFP   20    1     0   12  984  SO LP  2  SC  SFCG

Washington State Salmon Run
Call    CWQ  PhQ  DigQ  Mul
WN4AFP    8    0     0    5  72-  SO CW LP  2  SC  SFCG

144 MHz Fall Sprint
WA4LDU  9  8  72  SO LP  2  SC

CWOps Club CWT Test, 9/22/21, 1300Z
WB4HRL  64  62  3,968  SO HP  1  SC  SFCG

CWOps Club CWT Test, 9/22/21, 1900Z
WB4HRL  63  63  3,969  SO HP  1     SC  SFCG
N3ZL    21  21    441  SO LP  0:10  NC  SECC

CWOps Club CWT Test, 9/23/21, 0300Z
WB4HRL  62  55  3,410  SO HP  1     SC
N3ZL    42  40  1,680  SO LP  0:30  NC  SECC

Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests:

1.  NCCC NS Sprint, 9/24/21
K4BAI  42  32  1,344  SO LP  0.5  GA  SECC
K1GU   40  29  1,160  SO LP  0.5  TN  TCG

2.  K1USN Slow Speed Test (SST), 9/24/21
N1RBD  31  23  713  SO LP   1     GA  Long Island CW Club
K6RM   31  19  589  SO LP   0.75  NC  PVRC
KR4AE  18  18  324  SO QRP  0.5   GA  SECC
K8LBQ  19  15  285  SO LP   0:55  GA  SECC
AE4Y   15  15  225  SO LP   0:30  NC  SECC
K4PQC  10  10  100  SO QRP  0:50  GA  Metro Atlanta Tel Pioneer ARC

3.  Maine QSO Party
Call    CWQ  PhQ  CWM  PhM
K4QQG     0  295    0   75  23,700  SO HP  ____  SC  SFCG
K4BAI   211    6   88    8  22,272  SO HP  7:45  GA  SECC
WN4AFP   30   17   30   18   2,928  SO LP  2     SC  SFCG
K4VBM     5    5    5    5     121  SO LP  ____  GA  SECC

4.  CQ WorldWide DX Contest, RTTY
Call    QSO  S/P  DXC  Zon
WW4LL  1741  148  245   87  1,852,800  M/S LP        48     GA  SECC
                                        Ops:  WW4LL, NN9DD
AG4W   1675  155  201   76  1,531,872  SO AB HP      39     AL  ACG
W4GE    754  101  178   65    590,648  SO AB HP(CL)  17.3   SC  CDXA
K3IE    712   91  171   63    561,925  SO(A)AB HP    18     TN  TCG SO2R
N4ZZ    746  110  134   46    450,080  SO(A)AB HP    10     TN  AOCC
KT4Q    643  103  137   55    395,005  SO(A)ABHP(CL) 12:48  NC  SECC
WF4W    594   88  150   53    355,311  SO AB HP      14.5   GA  SECC
NF4A    584   72  127   51    355,250  SO(A)AB HP    13     FL  ACG
K8KI    500   78  144   52    304,140  SO(A)ABHP(CL) _____  AL  ACG
K3DNE   510   83  116   47    257,070  SO AB HP      17.25  SC  SFCG
KG4IGC  433   97  112   40    214,887  SO(A)AB LP    28:03  SC  SFCG
W4UK    490   78   95   33    193,649  SO AB HP      13.6   SC  SECC
K7OM    281   56  102   45    125,860  SO AB HP      11:18  SC  SFCG
N3HEE   231   75   99   39    101,806  SO(A)AB LP     9     SC
NN4NT   200   59   84   46     78,057  SO(A)AB HP     5     AL  ACG
N4XL    200   55   83   45     74,298  SO(A)AB LP     6.5   SC  SFCG
AA5JF   125   22   86   32     44,800  SO(A)AB LP     8     GA  SECC
K4EA    256   40   37   13     33,390  SOSB/80 HP    18     GA  SECC
WA1FCN  299   50   17   10     27,258  SO(A)SB/80LP  _____  AL  ACG
KT4O     88   13   38   10     13,359  SO AB HP       2:45  TN BristolRC
K4WI     45    6   11    9      2,938  SOSB/10 HP    12     AL  ACG
K4VBM     7    4    2    4         88  SOSB/20 LP    _____  GA  SECC

5.  K1USN Slow Speed Test (SST), 9/27/21
K4BAI  75  39  2,925  SO HP   1    GA  SECC
K4PQC  29  19    551  SO QRP  1    GA  Metro Atlanta Tel Pioneer ARC
K4EMF  21  16    336  SO HP   0.9  GA  Academy
W4RIN  17  13    221  SO LP   ___  GA  Long Island CW Club
KT4XN  18  11    198  SO HP   0.5  GA  SECC

6.  222 MHz Fall Sprint
NT4RT  5  4  20  SO QRP  1  SC

7.  CWOps Club CWT Test, 9/29/21, 1300Z
N4ZZ    186  176  32,736  SO LP   1     TN  AOCC  SO2R
K4BAI   151  151  22,801  SO HP   1     GA  SECC
K2SX    152  147  22,344  SO HP   1     SC  SECC
W8FN    144  144  20,736  SO HP   1     NC  SECC
N5TOO   135  135  18,225  SO HP   1     GA  SECC
N4IQ    121  116  14,036  SO HP   1     SC  SFCG  SO2R
K1AJ     85   85   7,225  SO LP   1     ME  SECC
NN4K     66   66   4,356  SO HP   1     GA  SECC
WB4HRL   65   63   4,095  SO HP   1     SC  SFCG
AE4Y     52   52   2,704  SO LP   1     NC  SECC
K1GU     47   47   2,209  SO HP   0.7   TN  TCG
W4LJ     45   45   2,025  SO HP   0.75  SC
K4PQC    42   42   1,764  SO QRP  1     GA  Metro Atl Tel Pioneer ARC
K4HR     34   34   1,156  SO HP   0:25  SC  SECC
N4DT     31   31     961  SO QRP  1     SC
K8LBQ    31   28     868  SO LP   0:45  GA  SECC
N3ZL     25   25     625  SO LP   0:16  NC  SECC
K4EMF    23   23     529  SO HP   1     GA  Academy
N4CU     12   12     144  SO HP   ____  FL  ACG
AG4EA    12   12     144  SO LP   0:15  SC
ND4K     10   10     100  SO LP   ____  GA  SECC
KT4XN    10   10     100  SO LP   0.1   GA  SECC
KB4DE    10   10     100  SO LP   0:09  SC
WB1LLY   10   10     100  SO LP   ____  GA

8.  CWOps Club CWT Test, 9/29/21, 1900Z
N4ZZ    130  124  16,120  SO LP   1     TN  AOCC  SO2R
N5TOO   109  109  11,881  SO HP   1     GA  SECC
K2SX     81   79   6,399  SO HP   0:45  SC  SECC
K1AJ     79   73   5,767  SO LP   0:45  ME  SECC
K4HR     75   72   5,400  SO HP   1     SC  SECC
K1GU     70   65   4,550  SO HP   1     TN
N3ZL     63   63   3,969  SO LP   0:35  NC  SECC
WB4HRL   62   62   3,844  SO HP   1     SC  SFCG
AE4Y     59   58   3,422  SO LP   1     NC  SECC
KT4XN    43   40   1,720  SO HP   0.5   GA  SECC
K4PQC    41   40   1,640  SO QRP  1     GA  Metro Atl Tel Pioneer ARC
W4ER     42   39   1,638  SO QRP  1     AL  ACG
K4EES    38   35   1,330  SO LP   1     AL
NN4K     33   33   1,089  SO HP   0.5   GA  SECC
N4DT     30   29     870  SO QRP  1     SC
ND4K     27   27     729  SO LP   1     GA  SECC
W4LJ     25   25     625  SO HP   0.5   SC
K8LBQ    19   19     361  SO LP   0:30  GA  SECC
WB4LLY   16   16     256  SO LP   0:14  GA
K4RLC    15   15     225  SO LP   ____  NC  PVRC (Academy)
AG4EA    12   12     144  SO LP   0:15  SC
KB4DE    10   10     100  SO LP   0:11  SC

9.  CWOps Club CWT Test, 9/30/21, 0300Z
N4ZZ    156  148  23,088  SO LP   1     TN  AOCC  SO2R
K4BAI   146  126  18,396  SO HP   1     GA  SECC
N5TOO   117  107  12,519  SO HP   1     GA  SECC
K1GU    100  100  10,000  SO HP   1     TN  TCG
K1AJ     99   98   9,702  SO LP   1     ME  SECC
N4KH     71   70   4,970  SO LP   1     AL  ACG
NN4K     66   66   4,356  SO HP   1     GA  SECC
WB4HRL   62   58   3,596  SO HP   1     SC  SFCG
KT4O     60   58   3,480  SO HP   1     TN  SECC
K2SX     61   57   3,477  SO HP   0:30  SC  SECC
N3ZL     50   49   2,450  SO LP  ~0:30  NC  SECC
ND4K     36   34   1,224  SO LP   1     GA  SECC
K4PQC    33   33   1,089  SO QRP  0:50  GA  Metro Atl Pioneer ARC
W4ER     28   28     784  SO QRP  0.5   AL  ACG
KJ4M     25   25     625  SO LP   0:30  AL
N4DT     25   25     625  SO QRP  1     SC
KT4XN    15   15     225  SO HP   0.2   GA  SECC
AG4EA    12   12     144  SO LP   ____  SC
WB1LLY   10   10     100  SO LP   ____  GA
KB4DE    10   10     100  SO LP   0:11  SC

This Week's Contests:

1.  NCCC RTTY Sprint. Every Thursday night local date.  0145-0215Z 
Friday.  15, 20, 40, 80, 160M RTTY.  100W max power.  One/one kHz QSY 
rule.  Exchange:  both calls, #, name, SPC.  Same band dupes OK after 
one intervening QSO.  Look around 080-090 kHz on the higher bands and up 
from 1805 kHz on 160M.

2.  NCCC NS Sprint. Every Thursday nighy local date.  0230-0259Z Friday. 
  15, 20, 40, 80, 160M CW.  100W max power.  One/one kHz QSY rule. 
Exchange:  both calls, #, name, SPC.  No same band dupes permitted. Look 
around 040-047 kHz on the higher bands and up from 1815 kHz on 160M.

3.  K1USN Slow Speed Test (SST).  2000-2100Z Friday.  160-10M CW.  20 
WPM max power.  Exchange:  Name + SPC.  You can use your NAQP CW contest 
module, but add any non-North American countries as mults.  Look around 
029 to 048 kHz on the higher bands and around 1820 kHz on 160M.

4.  California QSO Party Practice.  Friday 2330-000Z.  20, 40, 80M CW, 
SSB.  Exchange:  RS(T) + S/P/DX or CA county.  Work only CA stations. 
Suggested frequencies:  up 40 kHz on CW.  14250, 7320, 3610 and 
3750-3820 kHz SSB.  This is a good chance to check your logging program 
and rig set up before the CA QSO party on Sat and Sun.

5.  TRC DX Contest (Bulgaria).  0600Z Sat to 1800Z Sun.  24 hours max 
operating time.  160-10M CW.  Exchange:  RST + serial #.  TRC members 
will add "TRC" after the #.  Work everyone.

6.  Oceania DX Contest, Phone.  0600Z Sat to 0600Z Sun.  160-10M Phone. 
Exchange:  RS + serial #.  More QSOs points for lower bands.  Work only 
OC stations.

7.  Russian WorldWide Digital Contest.  1200Z Sat to 1159Z Sun.  160-10M 
BPSK63, RTTY.  Exchange:  RST or RSQ + serial # or 2 letter oblast code 
for Russian stations.  Work everyone.

8.  Two Meter Classic Sprint.  1300-1330Z Saturday.  2M CW, SSB. 
Exchange:  serial # + 4 digit grid square.

9.  California QSO Party.  1600Z Sat to 2200Z Sun.  24 hour max 
operating time for single ops.  160-10M CW, Ph.  Exchange:  RS(T) + SPC 
or CA county.  Nice prizes for top scores.  This is probably the biggest 
QSO party of the year and is also one of the oldest.

10.  Straight Key Century Club QSO Party.  All bands except WARC and 60M 
CW.  1800Z Sat to 1800Z Sun.  All bands except WARC and 60M.  Exchange: 
RST + SPC + Name + 4 character grid square.  You may exchange SKCC#s 
too, if you wish, but you are not required to do so.  Members of SKCC 
should call "CQ SKQ."  Non-members should call "CQ NSK."  SKCC members 
must use a mechanical key.  Look around 050 to 060 kHz on most bands and 
lower on 160M.

11.  RSGB DX Contest.  0500Z Sun to 2300Z Sun.  80-10M CW, SSB. 
Exchange:  RS(T) + serial #.  Work only UK stations plus crown 
dependencies.  The crown dependencies ae Guernsey, Jersey, and Isle of Man.

12.  There may be a Peanut Powered Sprint Sunday from 0000Z to 0100Z 
Monday UTC date.  The WA7BNM contest site says it is the same time as 
last year, 2200 to 2359Z.  There is a NO GA QRP site that gives the 0000 
to 0100Z time, but the link from that site is to the 2020 rules.  If 
there is one, the exchange is RS(T) + SPC + peanut # or power output. 
Work only stations with peanut #s.  80, 40, 20M CW, SSB.  Suggested 
frequencies:  up from 3561, 7061, and 14061 on CW and down from 3999, 
7299, and 14341 on SSB.  I hope the No GA QRP Club will clarify this and 
I'll try to get out any updated information.

13.  K1USN Slow Speed Test.  0000-0100Z Monday (Sunday night local 
date).  See # 3 above.

14. Adventure Radio Society Spartan Sprint. Every first Monday night 
local date.  0100-0300Z Tuesday.  80-10M CW. Exchange:  RST + SPC + power.

15.  CWOps Club CWT Tests. Every Wed/Thur.  Four separate one-hour 
tests.  1300Z and 1900Z Wed and 0300 and 0700Z Thurs.  160-10M CW.
Exchange:  Name + CWOps# or SPC.  Look around 025 to 052 kHz on the 
higher bands and up from 1815 on 160M.

16.  432 MHz Fall Sprint.  1900-2300 local Wednesday.  432 MHz, any 
mode.  Exchange:  4 character grid square.

17.  Flying Pigs QRP Club Oct Walk for the Bacon.  0000-0100Z Thursday 
(Wed night local date).  40M CW.  max power:  5W.  Max speed:  13 WPM. 
Exchange:  RST + SPC + Name + FP# or power.  Suggested frequencies: 
7050-7065 with the "hot spot" being 7060.  Next night Friday (Thursday 
local date) 0200-0300Z.  40M CW.  This time the suggested frequencies 
are 7110-7125 kHz with the "hot spot" being 7123 kHz.

18.  Straight Key Century Club Sprint - Europe.  1900-2100Z Thursday. 
160-6M CW.  Exchange:  RST, SPC, Name, SKCC# or "NONE."  Use a 
mechanical key.  Work everyone, not just European stations. Activity 
usually starts on 20M and moves down to 40M.  Look around 050 to 060 kHz 
on each band.

Hope everyone has a nice week and weekend with a lot of QSOs.  Don't 
forget the SECC ZOOM meeting at 7:30PM this coming Monday which will 
emphasize ARRL November Sweepstakes.  A supposed expert on SS will give 
out any secrets he can remember.  73, John, K4BAI.

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