[SESprint] NCCC Practices Thursday and Friday

John Laney k4bai at worldnet.att.net
Wed Sep 5 17:33:20 EDT 2007

Hello all:  I just checked the NCCC website.  It says that there will be 
NA Sprint practices Thursday and Friday nights using the NA Sprint 
rules.  That means 80, 40, 20 M CW, high power permitted, mults counted 
once for the contest, and no dupes permitted.  This would be a good 
chance to check out your logging program and hookups before the real NA 
Sprint Saturday night.  These practices will be 0230-0259 UTC Friday and 
Saturday (Thursday and Friday local).  Don't forget to sign up with KU8E 
at ku8e at bellsouth.net for a Southeast Sprint Coalition Team for the real 
Sprint on Saturday night.  Remember that the exchange is both calls, #, 
Name, SPC.  And there is a 5 khz QSY rule before you can CQ again and a 
one khz QSY rule before you can call somebody.

Let's also help out our friends in TCG to the north in their TN QSO 
Party on Sunday.  W4NZ/M, W4OQG/M, and other mobiles will be QRV, I am 


John, K4BAI.

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